
borderland [ˈbɔ:dəlænd]  [ˈbɔ:rdərlænd] 


borderland 基本解释


名词边地; 边疆,边境; (介乎两种品质或思想、学科等之间的)边缘领域

borderland 网络解释

1. 边陲:而本次由SENATOR International公司推出的电影版将绝对不是一个一个日式下九流肥皂剧,本片将由马丁.威(Martin Weisz)担任导演(代表作<<隔山有眼2(The Hills Have Eyes 2)>>),由恐怖电影<<边陲(Borderland)>>的编剧埃里克经典的恐

2. 边界地方:cavalier 武士 | borderland 边界地方 | macho 男子气的

3. 边缘地带:borderland basin 陆缘盆地 | borderland 边缘地带 | borderline detonation point 边界爆震点

4. 朦胧之境:bordering 设立疆界 | borderland 朦胧之境 | borderland 边界地方

borderland 词典解释

1. borderland

1. (介乎两种事物之间的)边缘地带,所属不清的状态
    The borderland between two things is an area which contains features from both of these things so that it is not possible to say that it belongs to one or the other.

    e.g. ...on the borderland between sleep and waking.

2. 边疆;边境地区
    The area of land close to the border between two countries or major areas can be called the borderlands .

    e.g. ...Lebanon's southern borderlands.

borderland 单语例句

1. The author is deputy director of the Center of China's Borderland History and Geography Research under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

2. The borderland area is not a free for all, but neither is it pleasant.

3. borderland是什么意思

3. The author is a researcher with the Center of China's Borderland History and Geography Research under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

borderland 英英释义



1. district consisting of the area on either side of a border or boundary of a country or an area

    e.g. the Welsh marches between England and Wales

    Synonym: border district march marchland