
bosh [bɒʃ]  [bɒʃ] 

bosh 基本解释



bosh 网络解释

1. 炉腹:高炉内部自下而上,划分为炉床(Hearth)、炉腹(Bosh)、炉腰(Belly)、炉胸(Stock or shaft)、炉喉(Throat)等部分,及其顶端另装有炉顶设备(见图五-1). 炉床底部有出铁口,在其上方之适当高度处有出渣口,但两口位置并不在同一垂直线上.

2. 波许:ASR是ABS性能的扩充.ASR只在ABS的基础上增加了ASR系统就进入准ABS/ A...金龙牌豪华客车ABS制动系统的检修 金龙联合汽车工业公司生产的金龙牌XMQ6120型豪华客车为了改善车辆的制动性能和牵引性能,装用了波许(Bosh)公司生产?

3. 白话蛋:口若悬河,光说不练的人:白牌儿:戏称没有参加任何党派的人. Masses | 白话蛋:口若悬河,光说不练的人. Bosh | 不着调:说话办事靠不住. Broken reed

4. 胡说:boscage 丛林 | bosh 胡说 | bosk 丛林

bosh 单语例句

1. That's why Bosh has plenty of empathy for Orlando Magic center Howard, his close friend and US Olympic teammate.

2. The Knicks can afford James and perhaps someone else in the class that could include Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh.

3. " We made it tough for him in the end, " Bosh said.

4. bosh的意思

4. " Our whole thing is just playing solid defense the whole game, " Bosh said.

5. " No team is just going to lie down, " Bosh said.

6. Bosh came off the bench to play a key role, especially in the second half.

7. Chris Bosh had 24 points for the Raptors, who have lost seven of their past 10 games.

8. bosh

8. Bosh finished with six points in the period while Roy was shut out.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. " I expect us to compete for a championship, " Bosh told ESPN.

10. " I got caught up trying to cut off his drive and that's what he wanted, " Bosh said.

bosh 英英释义


1. pretentious or silly talk or writing

    Synonym: baloney boloney bilgewater drool humbug taradiddle tarradiddle tommyrot tosh twaddle