
boss [bɒs]  [bɔ:s] 








boss 基本解释


名词老板,上司; 领袖,首领; [机]轴套,套筒

及物动词当…的首领; 管理,指挥

不及物动词当首领; 发号施令


boss 相关例句


1. David likes bossing people about.

2. Bob liked to boss the young man about.


1. Who's the boss in this office?

boss 情景对话



B:That‘s the end of the tour.

A:It was a great help to me.

B:Just let me know if you want to bring anyone else.

A:I‘d like to have my boss go through the plant some day.

Laid off-(下岗)

A:What’s wrong?

B:I got laid off today.

A:Oh no! That’s terrible!


A:What happened?

B:My boss said I didn’t have enough skills to do the job well.

A:What are you going to do?

B:I’m going to start taking classes at the local community college to try to improve my skills. Then I’ll start looking for a new position.

A Successful Story-(成功故事)

A:You look tired. *

B:Yeah, I’ve been working so much overtime lately.

A:Really? How come?

B:My boss gave me a big project. I had to have it finished it by this morning. It was so difficult!

A:You shouldn’t work so hard.

B:I know. But hard work pays off, you know.

A:What do you mean?

B:Maybe now I’ll get that promotion I was hoping for.

boss 网络解释

1. 凸台:这种骨架模型是与上面提到的三个阶段中对家具设计的内容相联系的,用于设计师很少接触的筋(Rib),凸台(Boss),体格构造等的设计中. 当然这对于没有相关基本知识的设计师来说几乎是不可能的事情,但只要是在内部开发过2个以上模型产品的设计师,

2. 头头:他得到了在政治上拥有权力的威德王的信任并行使全部职权具有很强的判断能力及外交能力,在同高句丽谈判并取得成功等方面充分显示出政治方面的能力和做头头(BOSS)的能力当看出阿扎泰扎和王子们的逆反心理后,

3. boss:business operations support system; 运营支撑系统

4. boss:business support system; 业务支撑系统

5. boss:business operation support system; 业务运营支撑系统

6. boss:telecom business operation support system; 电信运营支撑系统

boss 词典解释

1. boss的近义词

1. 老板;上司
    Your boss is the person in charge of the organization or department where you work.

    e.g. He cannot stand his boss...
    e.g. Occasionally I have to go and ask the boss for a rise.

2. 领导;头儿;发号施令者
    If you are the boss in a group or relationship, you are the person who makes all the decisions.

    e.g. He thinks he's the boss.

3. 对…颐指气使;对…指手画脚
    If you say that someone bosses you, you mean that they keep telling you what to do in a way that is irritating.

    e.g. We cannot boss them into doing more...
    e.g. 'You are not to boss me!' she shouted.

4. 为自己打工;自己拿主意
    If you are your own boss, you work for yourself or make your own decisions and do not have anyone telling you what to do.

    e.g. I'm very much my own boss and no one interferes with what I do.

相关词组:boss around

boss 单语例句

1. According to a contract signed between the college and a private business boss, the students take shifts to play the game for 10 hours every day.

2. Button also hit back at a jibe from Flavio Briatore about his driving, saying the Renault boss had tried to hire him this season.

3. boss什么意思

3. Team boss Frank Williams called Button up on his mobile phone while the Briton was in the pub with friends.

4. Tang arrived before his boss, took the bottle of denatured alcohol and drank it by mistake.

5. The CAAC boss revealed that the aviation watchdog is planning a formal investigation to get a clearer picture of private carriers'overall business situation.

6. The final group's action saw Cuba show who was boss with a devastating triple in Reggio Calabria to sit in third spot.

7. And while the young people practice calisthenics, the boss can relive his youth again.

8. I tell them not to call me " boss " but address me by my first name.

9. boss的近义词

9. He hangs up, promising to discuss it with the boss and call back.

10. Inter also hopes Mourinho can attract a raft of top players to Inter, with Chelsea's Didier Drogba and Frank Lampard still close to their former boss.

boss 英英释义



1. a circular rounded projection or protuberance

    Synonym: knob

2. a person responsible for hiring workers

    e.g. the boss hired three more men for the new job

    Synonym: hirer

3. a person who exercises control and makes decisions

    e.g. he is his own boss now

4. boss的解释

4. a person who exercises control over workers

    e.g. if you want to leave early you have to ask the foreman

    Synonym: foreman chief gaffer honcho

5. a leader in a political party who controls votes and dictates appointments

    e.g. party bosses have a reputation for corruption

    Synonym: party boss political boss


1. raise in a relief

    e.g. embossed stationery

    Synonym: emboss stamp


1. boss什么意思

1. exceptionally good

    e.g. a boss hand at carpentry
           his brag cornfield

    Synonym: brag