bottom drawer

bottom drawer [ˈbɔtəm drɔ:]  [ˈbɑtəm ˈdrɔɚ] 

bottom drawer 基本解释
bottom drawer 网络解释

1. 嫁衣:bottom double border 底端双边框 | bottom drawer 嫁衣 | bottom margin 底部边距

2. 女人为结婚用而存储的衣服:女人私财/Mad money | 女人为结婚用而存储的衣服/bottom drawer | 女摄政王;总督夫人/vice queen

3. (妇女为结婚准备的)嫁衣:bottom draw || 底部吸引 | bottom drawer || (妇女为结婚准备的)嫁衣 | bottom dump tipper || 底卸载自卸船

4. 嫁妆柜:sublet houses 转租房屋 | bottom drawer 嫁妆柜 | all-time record 空前记录

bottom drawer 单语例句


1. Even if they did, those " pornographic " paintings were hidden at the bottom of the drawer.