
bounder [ˈbaʊndə(r)]  [ˈbaʊndɚ] 


bounder 基本解释


bounder 网络解释

1. 粗鲁的人:boundenduty-boundobligatory 义不容辞的 | bounder 粗鲁的人 | boundinaleague 绻

2. 边境警卫 哈比人的职业之一:Boromir 波罗莫 摄政王 | Bounder 边境警卫 哈比人的职业之一 | Bracegirgle 抱腹家 哈比人的家族

3. 粗鲁的人, 暴发户:bounden || 有责任的 | bounder || 粗鲁的人, 暴发户 | bounding bed || 蹦床, 弹床

4. 粗俗无教养的人,无赖:significance:意义,意味,重要性 | bounder:粗俗无教养的人,无赖 | it is the seat of government:是政府所在地

bounder 词典解释

1. 刻薄之人;骗子;自私鬼
    If you call a man a bounder, you mean he behaves in an unkind, deceitful, or selfish way.

    e.g. The cad! The bounder!

bounder 英英释义


1. someone who bounds or leaps (as in competition)

    Synonym: leaper

2. someone who is morally reprehensible

    e.g. you dirty dog

    Synonym: cad blackguard dog hound heel