
bouquet [buˈkeɪ]  [boˈke, bu-] 


bouquet 基本解释

名词花束; 酒香

bouquet 相关例句


1. He hugged her and handed her a bouquet of roses.

bouquet 情景对话


A:Guess what I’ve brought for you.

B:Oh, a bouquet of flowers. It’s very kind of you.

A:I hope you like it.

B:I love flowers, you know. Thank you very much.

A:That’s all right.

bouquet 网络解释

1. 酒香:由於是更好的产区COTES de FRANCS(法兰西山丘),Chateau Guillon-Nardou姬容纳渡酒堡 比起大部分的波尔多里BORDEAUX或BORDEAUX SUPERIEUR等平均品质较低的产区名号, 在口腔里质感(texture)更顺滑(smooth, close to silky),酒香(bouquet)更突出,味道的复杂

2. 香味:(2005莱安格酒堡 波尔多 法定产区酒)更好,香味(bouquet)多许多. 原因一来所获奖项更珍贵,二来年份也相差了一年. 别小看那一年,只有五六年的陈年时间,差一年就是一年. 当然,如果你有时间,

3. 花束:经过激烈的比赛,颁奖典礼(prize award ceremony)上,取得前三名的运动员站在领奖台上,手捧花束(bouquet),脖子上挂着奖牌(medal, 奖牌得主叫medalist),看着国旗冉冉升起,这时的心情是最激动的.

4. 酒香的:酒香是由于酒长时间在木桶中贮藏和在瓶中老熟过程中逐渐形成的,长时间的陈酿会失去新鲜感,品尝者在鉴定酒的香味肘 可选择如下词汇:弱的(faible)、平淡的(neutre)、无味道的(fade)、贫乏的(pauvre)、芳香的(parfumé)、香的 (aromatique)、酒香的(bouquet)等.

bouquet 词典解释

1. 花束
    A bouquet is a bunch of flowers which is attractively arranged.

    e.g. The woman carried a bouquet of dried violets.

2. (尤指葡萄酒散发的)香味,芬芳
    The bouquet of something, especially wine, is the pleasant smell that it has.

    e.g. ...a Sicilian wine with a light red colour and a bouquet of cloves.

bouquet 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Organic Bouquet is offering one dozen long stem roses with a free glass vase and organic chocolates at an exceptional price.

2. She walked down the aisle carrying a bouquet of white roses with her hair up and her veil off her face.

3. Xihu Longjing is known for its roasted chestnut bouquet, while the early Jade Leaves combines the aroma of chestnut and newly sprouted spring buds.

4. One reason is probably because the Gewurztraminer is an intensely aromatic varietal with an instantly recognizable bouquet.

5. A bouquet of roses stands on the coffee table in his office.

6. I just want to catch the bouquet, because I have a collection of bouquets.

7. French director Claude Berry made the hit 1997 movie Lucie Aubrac, starring Carole Bouquet in the title role.

8. bouquet在线翻译

8. " A little girl presented a bouquet to Bill Clinton, " the report said.

9. bouquet的意思

9. While women know the power of a short skirt and high heels, men wholly underestimate how many brownie points a bouquet of flowers will get them.

10. Kan also paid respect at a far less controversial memorial for the war dead, laying a bouquet before a grave for Japanese soldiers.

bouquet 英英释义


1. an arrangement of flowers that is usually given as a present

    Synonym: corsage posy nosegay

2. bouquet

2. a pleasingly sweet olfactory property

    Synonym: fragrance fragrancy redolence sweetness