branch of a river

branch of a river

branch of a river 单语例句

1. The government of central China's Henan Province lifted a Yellow River pollution warning Saturday night after a diesel oil leakage hit the river's branch Thursday.

2. branch of a river

2. The Expo branch provides a unique view of the Huangpu River and the Expo Garden for customers via its outdoor patio.

3. The Qingshui River is a branch of the Yangtze and flows through high mountain ranges still covered in virgin forests.

4. The past week has seen the largest flooding in 20 years on the Weihe River, a major branch of the Yellow River.

5. It's commonly accepted among the international geographical community that the source of a river is defined as the longest branch in the drainage basin.

6. Chinese soldiers used explosives to blast part of a leaking dike so as to release flood waters on a swollen branch of the Yangtze River.