
branded [ˈbrændɪd] [brændid] 





branded 基本解释
打有烙印的;污辱( brand的过去式和过去分词 );铭刻于;加商标于;打烙印于;
branded 网络解释


1. 打有烙印的:branded product || 贴有商标的产品 | branded || 打有烙印的 | brander || 打烙印的人

2. 恐怖烙印:Brand Upon the Brain 心灵烙码 | Branded 恐怖烙印 | Brassed Off 奏出新希望

3. 名牌商标的 (形):brand new 崭新 | branded 名牌商标的 (形) | brander 打烙印的人 (名)

4. 被打上......的烙印:3 Forgive and forget. 原谅并忘却. | 4 branded 被打上......的烙印 | 5 Can we dispute this topic like mature adults and not like children? 让我们以大人的态度而不要耍小孩子脾气来争论这个问题好吗?

branded 单语例句

1. The Guardian newspaper at the time reported how Aberdeen was branded at the London hearing as " the unacceptable face of capitalism ".

2. Republicans have hit back at former US president Jimmy Carter after he branded the Bush administration " the worst in history " at handling international relations.

3. Prime Minister Donald Tusk said late last year he wanted obligatory castration for pedophiles, whom he branded'degenerates'.

4. Weetabix Food Company is the second largest branded manufacturer of cereals and cereal bars in the Britain.

5. And in one of the few reminders of Jackson's darkest hours, a New York congressman branded Jackson a " pervert " undeserving of so much attention.

6. branded的反义词

6. The lender said it would restructure its US consumer finance businesses, which are branded HFC and Beneficial.

7. However, they have quite a strong craving for articles with branded names.

8. Madonna's brother has branded her " creepy " for dating younger men.

9. branded

9. Tobacco companies sponsor sports and entertainment events, hand out branded items and advertise at point of sales to attract young people.

10. Similar characters in Chinese legends are all branded as murderers and traitors deserving no respect or sympathy whatsoever.

branded 英英释义


1. (of goods and merchandise) marked or labeled by a distinctive word or symbol indicating exclusive rights

    e.g. branded merchandise is that bearing a standard brand name

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2. marked with a brand

    e.g. branded cattle
           branded criminal