1. 胸罩:亚瓦尔及马扎儿的骑弓手除穿缀甲、护心镜(mirror)、皮胸罩(brassier)外, 也穿欧式锁子甲(hauberk). 亚瓦尔的骑弓手会在盔甲外穿土耳其斯坦样式(Turkestani cut)的毛毡长袍, 长袍边缘有以丝线绣成的花纹.只有塞西亚贵族或富有的塞西亚人才买得起头盔,
1. It was Guestier, who also managed Langoaand L oville-Barton during the absence of Hugh Barton, who held tenure as theproperty was ranked as a 4 me Cru Class in the 1855 classification.
剩下来的土地留给了 Brassier 家族,然而在一次决斗中,Fran ois-Arnaud 杀了一名男子,他被迫离开他的国家,所拥有的地产都被充公。
2. He said as he removed her brassier.
3. Was that a brassier over Holly's shoulder this morning?
4. What was left remained with the Brassier family, although when Fran ois-Arnaud killed a man in a duel he was forced to flee thecountry, and it appeared the estate would be confiscated.
Fran ois-Etienne 的遗产就由他的儿子,Fran ois-Arnaud 所接管。