
bray [breɪ]  [bre] 







bray 基本解释


名词驴叫声,似驴叫的声音; (喇叭的)嘟嘟声

不及物动词发出驴叫似的声音; 发嘟嘟声; 粗声粗气地讲话(或大笑)

及物动词<英方>猛击; 粗声粗气地说出; 薄薄地涂; 刺耳地发出

bray 相关例句


1. She brayed out her grievances before the judge.

2. She looked very weak, for sorrow had brayed her.


1. The trumpets brayed.

2. Trumpets brayed in the distance.

3. He brayed with laughter.

bray 网络解释

1. 布雷:他认为两原W C 布雷(Bray)等人发表的论文才重新激活了他早期的猜想,他同布雷了两电子的非极化键的存在. 1915 年路易斯受A 帕森(Parson)的论文启当归功于I 朗缪尔(Langmuir)的宣传. 在此期间,朗缪尔关于共价键(这互变异构现象(tautomerism)这一术语,

2. (驴等的)叫声:bowwow:(狗)汪汪声 | bray:(驴等的)叫声 | buzz:(蜜蜂、蚊子等)嗡嗡声

3. 驴叫声:braxy 羊炭疽 | bray 驴叫声 | brayer 复印滚筒

bray 词典解释

1. (驴)嘶叫
    When a donkey brays, it makes a loud harsh sound.

    e.g. The donkey brayed and tried to bolt.

2. 发出驴叫似的声音;刺耳地高声说话
    If someone brays, they make a loud harsh sound or talk in a loud harsh way.

    e.g. Neil brayed with angry laughter...
    e.g. Her voice was shockingly loud. 'Put the chair down,' she brayed...

bray 单语例句

1. " We fry our cod in a beer batter and make homemade tartar sauce, " Bray said.

2. Bray said she appeared on the morning news programme at the behest of the alleged victim.

3. " I don't think any of us thought this was going to happen, " Bray said.

4. bray的近义词

4. Bray said he and many others expected the guitarist to rally from this latest illness.

5. " She's kind of hiding out right now, " Bray told the ABC TV morning television programme.

6. She came to know Bray when they were both studying at Wharton Business School.

bray 英英释义



1. the cry of an ass


1. laugh loudly and harshly

2. reduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading

    e.g. grind the spices in a mortar
           mash the garlic

    Synonym: grind mash crunch comminute

3. braying characteristic of donkeys

    Synonym: hee-haw