break open

break open [breik ˈəupən]  [brek ˈopən] 

break open 基本解释

break open的解释

摔破,打开; 裂

break open 单语例句

1. Known to some as the happy slam, the Australian Open does manage to break some hearts now and then.

2. Most heart attacks happen when fatty deposits in an artery burst open, and a blood clot then forms to seal the break.

3. This will certainly break down many barriers and the gates will be firmly open in all directions for business.

4. Police had to break open the sewer after hearing Yu calling for help.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. The little pearls break open in salty bursts and provide such a lovely flavor contrast.

6. break open

6. Crew members tried to break open the hatch doors which had buckled, but by the time they got through the pair were dead.

7. break open

7. Gao used professional equipment to break open the safe of a watch shop in February last year.

8. Firefighters took an hour to break open the machine and free her hand.

9. Yan got out of the taxi and locked the passenger in the vehicle, but he managed to break open the door and flee.

10. break open的翻译

10. Ben Wallace was the catalyst as the Pistons started to break the game open early in the third quarter.

break open 英英释义


1. erupt or intensify suddenly

    e.g. Unrest erupted in the country
           Tempers flared at the meeting
           The crowd irrupted into a burst of patriotism

    Synonym: erupt irrupt flare up flare burst out

2. come open suddenly and violently, as if from internal pressure

    e.g. The bubble burst

    Synonym: burst split

3. open with force

    e.g. He broke open the picnic basket