break to pieces

break to pieces

break to pieces 基本解释
break to pieces 网络解释

1. 破坏:挑剔的picky; choosy; fastidious | 破坏destroy; ruin; break to pieces; devasate | 技巧的skillful; adept; dexterous

2. 击碎:break to crush 压碎 | break to pieces 击碎 | break up 中断破裂

3. 使成为碎片:break to flitters || 砸得粉碎 | break to pieces || 使成为碎片 | break up a strike || 破坏罢工

4. 破成碎片:bread easily 容易断 | break to pieces 破成碎片 | bring a book 带来一本书

break to pieces 单语例句

1. A fleet of 50 bulldozers and other pieces of heavy equipment were racing to clear a fire break around the blaze.

2. Every now and then you need to let yourself break down just a bit so you can rearrange all the pieces in a new way.

3. The balls of dung dry out and break into smaller pieces, which bind to the house dust.

4. It's a task Goodall is eager to break down into manageable pieces.