
bridle [ˈbraɪdl]  [ˈbraɪdl:]







bridle 基本解释

名词缰绳; 约束; 系带; [航]系船索(链)

及物动词抑制,约束; 给…套笼头; 仰头,昂首

不及物动词昂首表示轻蔑; 动怒,生气

bridle 相关词组


1. go well up to bridle : 勇往直前;

2. give the bridle to : 放纵;

bridle 相关例句


1. I advise you to bridle your temper.

2. The horse was already saddled and bridled.

3. Bridle your tongue.


1. She bridled with anger at the journalists' intrusions upon her privacy.


1. I told my wife to put a bridle on her tongue.

bridle 网络解释


1. 缰绳:再检查清楚所有的风筝线、缰绳(Bridle) 等都系在正确的位置. 把风筝控制好,在风窗囗(Wind Window)慢慢向上移. 勿忘快速解放系统. 当有问题发出,把系统拉出. 在风窗囗(Wind Window) 边缘把风筝降下到助手手中.

2. 马勒:bridging 架桥;跨接 | bridle 马勒 | bried 摘要

3. 系带:bridgework 架桥 | bridle 系带 | bridou 口角炎

bridle 词典解释

1. 马勒;马笼头
    A bridle is a set of straps that is put around a horse's head and mouth so that the person riding or driving the horse can control it.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 昂首表示愤怒(或不快)
    If you bridle, you show that you are angry or offended by moving your head and body upwards in a proud way.

    e.g. She bridled, then simply shook her head...
    e.g. Alex bridled at the shortness of Pamela's tone.

bridle 单语例句

1. The bridle and saddle are made of paper with reins of colourful tinsel.

2. bridle

2. This is because we need a few stern rules to bridle and punish the unruly, unscrupulous behavior that is now rampant in our society.

3. The horses ran out of control after they rubbed their heads against each other, causing one's bridle to come off.

bridle 英英释义


1. the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess

    e.g. his common sense is a bridle to his quick temper

    Synonym: check curb

2. headgear for a horse
    includes a headstall and bit and reins to give the rider or driver control


1. bridle是什么意思

1. respond to the reins, as of horses

2. put a bridle on

    e.g. bridle horses

3. anger or take offense

    e.g. She bridled at his suggestion to elope