
briery [b'raɪərɪ]  [b'raɪərɪ] 

briery 基本解释



briery 网络解释

1. 多荆棘的:brier 荆棘 | briery 多荆棘的 | brigade 旅

2. 多荆棘的, 多刺的:brierroot || 石南科植物之根 | briery || 多荆棘的, 多刺的 | brig || 双桅船

3. 多荆棘的; 多刺的 (形):brier 荆棘; 野蔷薇 (名) | briery 多荆棘的; 多刺的 (形) | brig 双桅帆船; 警卫室; 禁闭室; 监狱 (名)

briery 双语例句

1. Most people aren`t very comfortable in the woods, but the woods of Briery Swamp fit May Bird like a fuzzy mitten.
    多数人民aren `t非常舒适在森林,但是多荆棘象一个模糊的手套的沼泽适合的5月鸟森林。

2. The nose immediately offers up a Pomegranate minerality and is accompanied by deep flavors of briery underbrush and spicy sweet raspberry and cherry.

3. They had been pacing up and down the dim avenue, and they were now drawing near the leafless shrubbery at one end of the limewalk--the shrubbery in which the ruined well sheltered its unheeded decay among the tangled masses of briery underwood.

briery 英英释义



1. having or covered with protective barbs or quills or spines or thorns or setae etc.

    e.g. a horse with a short bristly mane
           bristly shrubs
           burred fruits
           setaceous whiskers

    Synonym: barbed barbellate briary bristled bristly burred burry prickly setose setaceous spiny thorny