
brig [brɪg]  [brɪɡ] 



brig 基本解释



brig 相关例句



1. The calm sea was dotted with brigs.

2. The violator was sent to the brig.

3. The guy just came out of the brig.

brig 网络解释


1. 双桅横帆船:060中双桅横帆船(Brig)中中1502470中双桅横帆战船(BrigofWar)中中2003280中大型快速帆船(FastGalleon)大大1602480慢大型战斗帆船(WarGalleon)大大2003290慢大型旗舰帆船(FlagGalleon)大大25040100慢护卫舰(Frigate)大大2003280快大型护卫舰(LargeFrigate)大大2504090快主力战舰(ShipoftheLine)大大30048100快2.商船类船型尺

2. 禁闭室:另外,如果司令(不涉及总统)被关押至禁闭室(Brig)则也将按委任顺序将司令官衔转交下一位角色玩家. 即便前任司令稍后从禁闭室中被释放,也无法再次自动获得司令的官衔. 委任顺序:例如:赛隆人攻击危机卡显示需要将两艘星河基地(Basestar)放置在游戏版图上.

3. 双桅船:通常的,在帆船术语中,为了区别起见,战舰被称为护卫舰(frigate)而商船被称为快速帆船(full-rigged). 更小的船被用来送信或者护航:加装了斜桁帆,在主桅上增加了帆的单桅帆船(sloop)或者双桅船(brig),炮艇,等等.

brig 词典解释

1. 双桅方帆船
    A brig is a type of ship with two masts and square sails.

2. (尤指战船上的)牢房
    A brig is a prison on a ship, especially a warship.

brig 单语例句

1. President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo said in a statement she accepted the resignation of Brig.

2. Six vessels were involved the first day, and Canada's Brig.

3. An Iraqi prisoner managed to disarm a guard and fired randomly with his assault rifle, said Iraqi army Brig.

4. The suicide bombings wounded 47 others near a coalition base north of Baghdad, according to Iraqi police Brig.

5. The eight men have been held in pretrial confinement at the Camp Pendleton brig since May 24.

6. The clashes occurred in a predominantly Sunni Arab neighborhood and lasted for about an hour, according to police Brig.

7. " The continued drawdown of surge brigades demonstrates continued progress in Iraq, " Brig.

8. Police are investigating and it is still not known who was behind the attack, military spokesman Brig.

9. He was eventually transferred to a Navy brig in South Carolina after authorities verified his citizenship.

10. Troops also killed seven gunmen who attacked them in western Baghdad on Saturday morning, said Brig.

brig 英英释义


1. a penal institution (especially on board a ship)

2. two-masted sailing vessel square-rigged on both masts