bring home the bacon

bring home the bacon [briŋ həum ðə ˈbeikən]  [brɪŋ hom ði ˈbekən] 

bring home the bacon 基本解释

bring home the bacon

动词成功,谋生; 管用

bring home the bacon 网络解释

bring home the bacon的意思

1. 挣钱养家:10. an adventurous eater大胆的食客 | 11. bring home the bacon挣钱养家 | 12. bite off more than you can chew贪多而吃不下(尤指接下过多工作而完不成)

2. 谋生:bring home the bacon 谋生 | bread and butter 食物 | bad egg 坏蛋,恶棍

3. 成功:bring forward 提出 | bring home the bacon 成功 | bring home to someone 使认清

4. 养家糊口:bite the bullet 咬紧牙关, 顶住 | bring home the bacon 养家糊口 | bail someone out 把某人从困境中解救出来

bring home the bacon 单语例句

1. They're five of a growing breed of house husbands who juggle cooking, chores and their egos while their wives bring home the bacon.

2. We all need a roof over our head and a good job to bring home the bacon.

bring home the bacon 英英释义

bring home the bacon的反义词


1. supply means of subsistence
    earn a living

    e.g. He provides for his large family by working three jobs
           Women nowadays not only take care of the household but also bring home the bacon

    Synonym: provide

2. attain success or reach a desired goal

    e.g. The enterprise succeeded
           We succeeded in getting tickets to the show
           she struggled to overcome her handicap and won

    Synonym: succeed win come through deliver the goods