bring together

bring together [briŋ təˈɡeðə]  [brɪŋ təˈɡɛðɚ] 

bring together 基本解释
bring together 网络解释

1. 撮合:只是一个让别人问问题的工具罢了,问的方式比较不同,撮合(bring together)的两方比较不同. 它只是一个「新的沟通工具」而已,由一个工程师轻松的做出来,也轻松的达到了历史的高度. 其他公司生产产品时若直接使用自来水,可能千方百计想掩饰自己所用的水源.

2. 使...团结起来:bring to ruin 使毁灭,使落空 | bring together 使...团结起来 | bring under 镇压;压制;使就范

3. 把......组合到一起:produce consequences for 对......产生影响 | bring together 把......组合到一起 | in relation to 关于, 涉及, 与...相比,与......相关

4. 使和解:bring through 使度过(困难,危机等) | bring together 使和解 | bring up 提出,提起;抚养,培养;呕吐

bring together 单语例句


1. Ker said the Shanghai center will bring together Microsoft's customer service, technical support and resources from across the region.

2. " This combination will bring together two businesses where HP has established global leadership, " HP's chief executive officer Meg Whitman said in a statement.

3. bring together什么意思

3. The prosecution maintains that Milosevic advocated a policy of " ethnic cleansing, " to bring Serbs across the former Yugoslavia together in a single nation.

4. I deeply believe that the events of the Cultural Year will bring the two nations even closer together and will foster friendship and cooperation.

5. bring together是什么意思

5. It's more proof that communal outdoor exercise in China is a sociable thing and manages to bring people from all walks of life together.

6. Roll diagonally to just over halfway, then bring opposite corners together and pinch close.

7. Flash mobs bring together a large group of people who do something unusual and then disperse.

8. The goal is to bring Chinese and US officials together to engage in detailed discussions of specific trade issues.

9. bring together什么意思

9. The drama will apparently become physical in next week's reunion episode, which will bring the women together for the first time since last year.

10. Finding occasions where entrepreneurship and investment cross paths can be difficult but fortunately there are ways and means to bring the two together.

bring together 英英释义


1. cause to become joined or linked

    e.g. join these two parts so that they fit together

    Synonym: join

2. bring together in a common cause or emotion

    e.g. The death of their child had drawn them together

    Synonym: bond draw together