1. 帚柄:来到 后院发现扫帚柄(broomstick),在窗的缝隙里看见Oleg在打电话,想办法偷听一下. 回到正门看见一只小猫,给它块匹萨. 将双面胶 (double-sided tape)放在手机(call phone)上,然后再放在猫的身上. 将盐放在它的宠物碗里,让它感到口渴,
2. 扫帚把:有人姓胳膊粗壮(Armstrong),有人姓懦夫(Coward),有人姓疯狂(Crazy)、姓棺材(Coffin)、姓扫帚(Broom),甚至姓扫帚把(Broomstick). 还有人姓死(Death)、姓地狱(Hell),这可就有些晦气了. 坟墓、死人都是大不吉利之词,在美国亦敢姓之,
3. 扫帚:现才记起,带上用来飞行的扫帚(broomstick)、拿着像幽灵一样的风向袋(windsock)或猫头鹰(owl)模型,手提南瓜灯(Jack-O'-Lantern),人们的神情会不会更夸张,我们的作秀会不会更疯狂,现场效果会不会更精彩?
4. 扫帚柄:将车把手(handle)和蓝色的塑料袋组合,再将扫帚柄(broomstick)组合进去,最终合成抄网(brailer). 用抄网(brailer)将树上的手机取下来,听取通话内容. 然后到博物馆. 先来到Max的办公室,和他谈话中,他会给你一个王冠(diadem). 他离开办公室后,
1. broomstick
1. (旧式)长柄扫帚
A broomstick is an old-fashioned broom which has a bunch of small sticks at the end.
2. 扫帚柄
A broomstick is the handle of a broom.
1. Police said the suspect told them he had beaten his daughter with a broomstick because she was too noisy playing with water in the bathroom.
2. danci.911cha.com
2. But even if you don't know a bromeliad from a broomstick, this " greenhouse " space is a treat.
3. She may be a few years off hanging up her broomstick, but life outside Hogwarts is already shaping up nicely for Emma Watson.
4. A father who tried to stop his two sons from fighting over the TV remote accidentally killed one of them with a broomstick.
1. the handle of a broom
Synonym: broom handle