
brother [ˈbrʌðə(r)]  [ˈbrʌðɚ] 


brother 基本解释

名词兄弟; 同事,同胞; 同志


brother 相关例句



1. He used to brother me.


1. You mean the Warton brothers?

2. All men are brothers.

3. We must all stand together, brothers!

brother 情景对话



A:Mary, this is Joe's brother David.

B:I'm very glad to meet you.

C:It's a pleasure to meet you.

B:How do you like Beijing so far?

C:It's really different from what I expected.

B:Don't worry. You'll get used to it in no time.


A:Have you heard the news about Michael?

B:No, David, what happened?

A:Well, I heard that he was arrested.

B:What? Arrested? For what?

A:Apparently, he got in a fight at a bar.

B:I don’t believe it! He wouldn’t hurt a fly!

A:I agree with you. He’s usually so calm.

B:Maybe he was just trying to be a good Samaritan.

A:That’s possible. I can’t picture him trying to start a fight with someone.

B:Now that I think about it, though, I do remember him being a bit aggressive once.

A:Maybe he’s one of those people whose personality changes a lot when he drinks.

B:Does he often drink?

A:No, in fact I’ve only seen him drink once… and that was when I saw him behaving oddly.

B:Some people are not what they seem.

A:However, in all fairness, we shouldn’t jump to conclusions.

B:You’re right. We don’t even know if he was actually arrested or not?

A:Shall we call him?

B:Ok, let me just get my phone… “Hello, Michael? It’s Samantha… I’m fine. Are you alright?... Your brother was mugged?...”


A:Tell me about your family, Simon. Are you from a big family?

B:No, my immediate family is quite small. There are only five of us. My parents, my younger brother and my younger sister. But my parents both come from large families.

A:How many people are in your extended family?

B:There are too many to count. I suppose, well over 100 people.

A:Do you get to see your family often?

B:I see my immediate family every weekend, and I see my extended family about once or twice a year.We usually see each other for Christmas, Easter, and other big celebrations, like weddings.

A:Have you ever been to a family reunion?

B:Actually, I have been to one, but it wasn’t mine! It was one of my friends’. He didn’t want to be theonly boy there, so I went with him to keep him company. This was a long time ago, of course.

A:Are many of your relative divorced?

B:Let me think. I believe it’s just my one uncle. He’s always been a rebel. My grandmother was very religious, so most of my relatives were too scared to get divorced!

A:Do you have any relatives who are single mothers?

B:I have just one-her father is the one who got divorced. Their family is sort of the black sheep of our extended family.

brother 网络解释

1. <<四海兄弟>:在与北野武的合作中,<<那年夏天最宁静的海>>、<<奏鸣曲>>、<<花火>>、<<菊次郎的夏天>>等影片就包办了久石让五座日本影艺学院最佳电影音乐奖中的四座,北野武的近作<<四海兄弟>>(Brother)、<<玩偶>>(Dolls)也都是出自久石让的手笔.

brother 词典解释
The old-fashioned form brethren is still sometimes used as the plural for meanings 2 and 3. brethren为旧时写法,有时仍用作义项2和3的复数。

1. (同父母的)兄,弟
    Your brother is a boy or a man who has the same parents as you.

    e.g. Oh, so you're Peter's younger brother...
    e.g. Have you got any brothers and sisters?

2. 兄弟;同胞;教友;国人;同行;同志
    You can describe a man as your brother if he belongs to the same race, religion, country, profession, or trade union as you, or if he has similar ideas to you.

    e.g. He told reporters he'd come to be with his Latvian brothers.
    e.g. ...the Cardinal and his brother bishops.

3. 教徒,修士,僧侣(用于头衔)
    Brother is a title given to a man who belongs to a religious community such as a monastery.

    e.g. ...Brother Otto.
    e.g. ...the Christian Brothers community which owns the castle.

4. (用于某些公司或商店的名称中)
    Brothers is used in the names of some companies and shops.

    e.g. ...the film company Warner Brothers...
    e.g. I went to Brooks Brothers and bought myself a decent shirt.

Note that there is no common English word that can refer to both a brother and a sister. You simply have to use both words. She has 13 brothers and sisters. The word sibling can be used, but it is very formal.
注意英语常用词汇中没有一个同时表示“兄弟姐妹”的词,要表示这一概念,只能brother和sister两个词一起用:She has 13 brothers and sisters(她有13个兄弟姐妹)。用sibling这个词可以表示此意,但非常正式。
brother 单语例句

1. The cafe belonged to the brother of one of the suspected bombers, a local official said by telephone.

2. Liu Yueqing the " tough brother " has said that he didn't expect his action to raise a storm on the Internet.

3. brother

3. Janet Jackson has revealed her brother Michael made her life a misery when they were growing up by bullying her about her weight.

4. His fiancee's brother picked up the flowers and handed them to a bystander to take away.

5. Some people call me brother and other people call me directly by my name.


6. Mark couldn't resist a little twin humor in a congratulatory call to his brother at the space station.

7. My brother, his wife and two children will camp out here.

8. But the goddess's brother cannot bear to see his sister marry a mortal.

9. " She just sat and worried when she was on her own, " Carol Thatcher said of the scandal involving her twin brother.

10. According to Zhushan custom, the bride's brother is to carry the bride on his back when leaving home.

brother 英英释义


1. a male with the same parents as someone else

    e.g. my brother still lives with our parents

    Synonym: blood brother

2. a male person who is a fellow member (of a fraternity or religion or other group)

    e.g. none of his brothers would betray him

3. used as a term of address for those male persons engaged in the same movement

    e.g. Greetings, comrade!

    Synonym: comrade

4. a close friend who accompanies his buddies in their activities

    Synonym: buddy chum crony pal sidekick