
brutality [bru:'tælətɪ]  [bruˈtælɪti] 


brutality 基本解释

名词残忍; 野蛮; 暴虐行为

brutality 相关例句


1. The hostages were subjected to extreme brutality.

brutality 网络解释


1. 暴行:亲英极端分子同样实行谋杀和各种恐怖活动,一是对IRA的暴行(brutality)做出报复(retaliation),还有就是强调他们的需求. 1976年夏,一个新教家庭主妇Betty Williams因为两个儿童被一辆失控的IRA车辆撞死感到很恐怖,

2. 残忍:Vehemence/激情 | Brutality/残忍 | Exposure/曝光

3. 残酷、惨无人道:棒打bludgeon | 残酷、惨无人道brutality | 绞死strangulation

4. 残忍的:corrupt 贪污的 | brutality 残忍的 | bribery 受贿的

brutality 词典解释

1. 野蛮行径;残暴行为
    Brutality is cruel and violent treatment or behaviour. A brutality is an instance of cruel and violent treatment or behaviour.

    e.g. Her experience of men was of domination and brutality.
    e.g. ...police brutality.

brutality 单语例句

1. The article notes that police brutality and unfair adjudication are intrinsic stubborn diseases of the United States.

2. Police brutality and unfair adjudication are intrinsic stubborn diseases of the United States.

3. brutality的意思

3. Until we no longer hear reports of police brutality and administrative infringements on individual rights.

4. brutality

4. Some point to alleged brutality of security guards at the factory, but fail to produce hard evidence.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. Yet the Amnesty International report totally ignored the widely available facts, which testify to both the lawless mobs'brutality and the authorities'restraint.

6. At what point and why did he develop this streak of brutality?

7. brutality什么意思

7. Bush pledged to stand by Iraq despite " acts of staggering brutality " aimed at destabilizing the country.

8. He recounts a life filled with brutality and violence but loaded with ambition.

9. But it's surprising that local supervision departments seem helpless to deal with this brutality.

10. brutality是什么意思

10. The brutality in the ring is contrasted with the beauty of Carmen's eyes or a single rose.

brutality 英英释义


1. brutality什么意思

1. a brutal barbarous savage act

    Synonym: barbarity barbarism savagery

2. brutality

2. the trait of extreme cruelty

    Synonym: ferociousness viciousness savagery