
brute [bru:t]  [brut] 



brute 基本解释


名词畜生,兽; 残暴的人; 兽性

形容词残忍的; 畜生的,动物的; 无理性的

brute 相关例句


1. Brute force was used to put down the revolt.

2. Man has struggled long against the brute forces of nature.


1. The brute guarding him beat him to a pulp.

2. He is a brute to his children.

3. The horse broke its leg, the poor brute.

brute 网络解释


1. 狂兽人:.狂兽人(Brute)尤电影 加勒比海盗出口建上一个地堡吧!同时要时刻注意心灵控制器部署状态,在其部署完成前一定要将车辆单位移动到基地建筑一定范围以外,因为如果你有车辆单位存在,一般会成为其攻击的目标,否则攻击目标将会变成战车工厂,

2. 兽:这些陪审员都有孩子在上学,谁都希望学校是一个传道授业的地方,假如有这种衣冠禽兽(brute)的教师存在,决不会轻饶他的. 于是五年、十年的判刑都是常见的. 在美国比较少听到像国内那样女学生声言遭到教师性骚扰或者性侵犯,

3. 野蛮人(美国肯沃斯载重汽车公司):Bruin 熊先生(美国通用汽车公司) | Brute 野蛮人(美国肯沃斯载重汽车公司) | Bucegi 布切奇(罗马尼亚布拉索夫汽车厂)

brute 词典解释

1. 粗野的人;残酷的人
    If you call someone, usually a man, a brute, you mean that they are rough, violent, and insensitive.

    e.g. Custer was an idiot and a brute and he deserved his fate.
    e.g. ...a drunken brute.

2. 粗暴的;野蛮的
    When you refer to brute strength or force, you are contrasting it with gentler methods or qualities.

    e.g. He used brute force to take control...
    e.g. Boxing is a test of skill and technique, rather than brute strength.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 本身的;基本的
    Brute emotions or facts are basic feelings or responses to a situation, or the basic facts of this situation.

    e.g. ...brute loyalty to the herd.
    e.g. ...brute historical fact.

brute 单语例句

1. US Vice President Dick Cheney charged Moscow earlier this month with using intimidation and " brute force ".

2. That's because loud noise doesn't always damage the delicate inner ear immediately just by brute force.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. Making their way through dangerous shoals and rapids, boat trackers required brute strength and knowledge of potential dangers.

4. All those targets require lots of brute force to escape Earth's orbit, something astronauts have not done since 1972.

5. brute

5. But the local brute got wind of it and forced her to dance for him every day.

6. While weight and height are a distinct advantage, brute strength alone is not enough.

7. This comes as the latest mission to apply brute force to science.

brute 英英释义


1. a living organism characterized by voluntary movement

    Synonym: animal animate being beast creature fauna

2. brute的解释

2. a cruelly rapacious person

    Synonym: beast wolf savage wildcat