
bug [bʌg]  [bʌɡ] 







bug 基本解释


名词昆虫; 陷,瑕疵; 细菌,病菌; 窃听器

及物动词在…装窃听器; 打扰,烦恼; 折磨,使痛苦; (使眼球)暴突或变大

不及物动词变大; 凸出

bug 相关词组

1. bug off : 停止打扰走开;

2. bug up : 激动起来;

3. bug out : 暴突, 撤退;

bug 网络解释

1. 漏洞:可以这么说,一台没有漏 洞(BUG)的机器,是不可能存在所谓纯技术的,只可能存在技巧. 如果一个十几甚至几十个程序员开发的成熟产品,如此轻易就被你一个人破 解了,那你也太神了. 在业内,所谓技术无非两种,一种叫做BUG,一种叫做技巧.

2. bug:back up generation; 自备发电设备

3. bug:business user group; 业务用户团队

bug 词典解释

1. 小虫;臭虫
    A bug is an insect or similar small creature.

    e.g. We noticed tiny bugs that were all over the walls.
    e.g. ...a bloodsucking bug which infests poor housing.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 小病;轻微的传染病
    A bug is an illness which is caused by small organisms such as bacteria.

    e.g. I think I've got a bit of a stomach bug...
    e.g. There was a bug going around at the club.

3. (计算机程序中的)漏洞,错误,故障
    If there is a bug in a computer program, there is a mistake in it.

    e.g. There is a bug in the software.

4. (微型)窃听器
    A bug is a tiny hidden microphone which transmits what people are saying.

    e.g. There was a bug on the phone.

5. bug的反义词

5. 在…装窃听器
    If someone bugs a place, they hide tiny microphones in it which transmit what people are saying.

    e.g. He heard that they were planning to bug his office...
    e.g. I found out my phone was bugged.

...an electronic bugging device.

6. (对…的)热衷,迷恋
    You can say that someone has been bitten by a particular bug when they suddenly become very enthusiastic about something.

    e.g. I've definitely been bitten by the gardening bug...
    e.g. Roundhay Park in Leeds was the place I first got the fishing bug.

7. 使烦恼;使厌烦
    If someone or something bugs you, they worry or annoy you.

    e.g. I only did it to bug my parents.

bug 单语例句

1. bug的近义词

1. More physical activity increases energy consumption and decreases their ability to get rid of the flu bug.

2. A doctor later removed the bug, but not before it had managed to do serious damage to Li's ear.

3. " I was fortunate to have been bitten by the creative bug, " he said.

4. With more and more people catching the decorating bug, manufacturers have experienced an explosion in demand.

5. And if J and K do not stop the bug from succeeding, it means the destruction of our planet.

6. bug的意思

6. He gets his chance at heroism when a dangerous " bug " threatens to destroy all the video games at his arcade.

7. The noodles were found to be contaminated with paradichlorobenzene, a chemical used in bug repellent.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. Zuckerberg and Gates weren't the first Harvard undergraduates to catch the technology bug.

9. bug

9. The bug is resistant to nearly every class of chemical pesticide so far except Bt, which can be developed as an insecticide through genetic modification.

10. bug的翻译

10. But since 2002 when he was first bitten by the ham radio bug, his daily work has no longer been just about driving and making money.

bug 英英释义



1. a minute life form (especially a disease-causing bacterium)
    the term is not in technical use

    Synonym: microbe germ

2. general term for any insect or similar creeping or crawling invertebrate

3. insects with sucking mouthparts and forewings thickened and leathery at the base
    usually show incomplete metamorphosis

    Synonym: hemipterous insect hemipteran hemipteron

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. a small hidden microphone
    for listening secretly

5. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine

    Synonym: glitch


1. bug的意思

1. annoy persistently

    e.g. The children teased the boy because of his stammer

    Synonym: tease badger pester beleaguer

2. tap a telephone or telegraph wire to get information

    e.g. The FBI was tapping the phone line of the suspected spy
           Is this hotel room bugged?

    Synonym: wiretap tap intercept