1. 同性恋者:urger倡导者 | bugger同性恋者 | queer同性恋者
2. 糟糕:Tout de suite. Come on. More wood.|木头,快点,多弄点木头 | Bugger.|糟糕 | A little seasoning, eh?|得调调味,对吧
3. 该死:mother.|母亲 | Bugger.|该死 | [man] Ever fancied doing it in the dark with a total stranger?|有没有想过和一个陌生人在黑暗中^做**?
4. 混帐:Thank you.|谢谢 | Bugger.|混帐 | Forgive me.|原谅我
1. 蠢货;笨蛋
Some people use bugger to describe a person who has done something annoying or stupid.
2. 麻烦事;棘手的事
Some people say that a job or task is a bugger when it is difficult to do.
3. bugger
3. (用于单词或短语前,强调对所指称的人或物不感兴趣)去他的
Some people use bugger in expressions such as bugger him or bugger the cost in order to emphasize that they do not care about the person or thing that the word or phrase refers to.
4. 鸡奸
To bugger someone means to have anal intercourse with them.
5. 混蛋;该死
Some people say bugger it or bugger when they are angry that something has gone wrong.
6. 哎呀!天哪!(表示惊讶)
Some people say bugger me to emphasize that they are very surprised about something.