
bugler [ˈbju:glə(r)]  [ˈbjuːɡlər] 


bugler 基本解释

名词号兵; 吹鼓手; 司号员; 喇叭手

bugler 相关例句


1. A few months later my younger brother enlisted as a bugler.

bugler 网络解释

1. 喇叭手:bugle 喇叭 | bugler 喇叭手 | bugloss 牛舌草

2. 号手:bugle军号 | bugler号手 | burial service葬礼

3. 号兵:ogler 做眉眼的人 | bugler 号兵 | 107.bailer舀船舱水的人

4. 司号:键钮;移动指向点 bug | 司号 bugler | 工厂试俥 builder's trials

bugler 双语例句

1. I can't sacrifice my hussars. Bugler!


2. Not for so much as a pair of shoelace or a bag of Bugler.

3. For Hindu worship, they have one drummer and one bugler.

4. Indian people and Hindo Gods, they all have big eyes just like this bugler.

5. One year later, at the age of 15, McCrae became a bugler in the local militia regiment of artillery commanded by his father.


6. A few months later my younger brother enlist as a bugler.

7. The little bugler bravely squared up to his enemy.


8. Every face from Denisov down to the bugler showed about the lips and chin the same lines of conflict and nervous irritability and excitement.

9. I subscribe to the newsletter, the basset hound bugler.

10. A battalion of soldiers stationed in the old parameters will be bureaucratic, in addition to the city every day bugler blowing numbers to play, people know that there are also stationed outside the armed forces and the rest are like soldiers did not exist.


11. I've got a mighty sour company bugler.

12. The smuggler shrugged to the bugler hugging the bug in the tugboat.


13. He was a signal man and a bugler.

14. Royal Marine firing party offered a three-gun salute, a bugler the Last Post.


15. There was nothing faded about the bugler under the cap.

16. Under a light drizzle, the president placed a wreath on a stand, listened as a bugler played taps and bowed his head for a minute of silence broken only by the distant sound of a train horn.


17. Services are held at11am at war memorials in suburbs and towns across the country, at which the " Last Post " is played by a bugler and a one-minute silence is observed.


18. A bugler sounds the Last Post and the keys are lodged with the Resident Governor, as the chief officer of the Tower is called.


19. Services are held at11am at war memorials in suburbs and towns across the country, at which the " Last Post " is played by a bugler and a one-minute silence is observed.

bugler 词典解释

1. 号手;司号兵
    A bugler is someone who plays the bugle.

bugler 单语例句

1. He placed his hand on his heart as a bugler played taps.

bugler 英英释义



1. someone who plays a bugle