building blocks

building blocks

building blocks 单语例句

1. The building blocks for strong capital markets buttress the broader development of a prosperous economy.

2. building blocks

2. Proteins in turn serve as building blocks and workhorses of the cell, vital to its structure and functions.

3. Embryonic stem cells are the body's building blocks, cells from which all other tissue types spring.

4. But there is clear evidence in the empty apartment blocks dotting China's cities that residential demand did not explain all of the building frenzy.

5. The building blocks have been laid and China's infrastructure will ensure it will be an integral cog in the global automotive wheel.

6. After all, housing is a must for " families " - the fundamental building blocks of society.

7. He called these the building blocks of what might end up as a solar system like our own.

8. And then there is the shift in wireless and analog IP from niche plays to essential building blocks.

9. It fits with research to uncover the building blocks of literacy and how they can go wrong.

10. The branches of Lu's trees are made of wood and metal modular sections that can be screwed together like building blocks.