
bulb [bʌlb]  [bʌlb] 


bulb 基本解释


名词电灯泡; 球茎,块茎植物; [解剖学]肿块

bulb 相关例句


1. The onions bulbed poorly in this cold wet season.


1. The bulb has burned out.

bulb 网络解释


1. 灯泡:在梳妆台上我找到了30/30的子弹(A30/30BULLET),灯泡(BULB)和珍珠(PEARL),然后使劲推上面的镜子,得到一把钥匙(KEY). 搜寻床铺时,我在床头女人雕像上找到了一支箭(ARROW),再把它装在床头边一丘比特雕像上,启动暗藏的机关,

2. 鳞茎:3.鳞茎(bulb)由许多肥厚的肉质鳞叶包围的扁平或圆盘状的地下茎,称为鳞茎. 4.球茎(corm)球状的地下茎,如荸荠(Eleocharistuberosa)、慈姑、芋等(图3-121,D、E),它们都是根状茎先端膨大而成. 球茎有明显的节和节间,节上具褐色膜状物,

3. 球:尿道海绵体的前端蘑菇状膨大形成阴茎龟头,覆盖着阴茎海绵体前端,后端稍膨大形成尿道球(bulb),位于泌尿生殖膈下部两侧阴茎脚之间,被球海绵体肌(bulbcavernousmuscle)所覆盖.

4. 球管:相较于150W等级的长效型DC点灯之金属卤素灯,相同光源辉度时超高压水银灯可减少86%的球管(bulb)外径与40%的电弧长度(表1),也就是说球管愈小,灯泡的反射器(reflector)也相对的变小;电弧长度愈短,光使用效率则愈高,

bulb 词典解释

1. 电灯泡
    A bulb is the glass part of an electric lamp, which gives out light when electricity passes through it.

    e.g. The stairwell was lit by a single bulb.

2. 球茎;鳞茎
    A bulb is a root shaped like an onion that grows into a flower or plant.

    e.g. ...tulip bulbs.

bulb 单语例句

1. The Swan Edison filament bulb was bought by the father of Mo Richardson's late husband Jim in 1938.

2. bulb什么意思

2. Cut off the top of the fennel bulb and trim the root end.

3. The brave amphibian was spotted snacking on the festive bulb but soon spat it out and hopped away after feeling the burn.

4. Soon after she arrived, the garage's only light bulb went out.

5. bulb的意思

5. Some celery and a lily bulb can also provide a useful antidote.

6. When she's in a room, it's as if she has a light bulb inside her.

7. " It made my daughter light up like a light bulb, " he said.

8. The children cheered when first light bulb turned on in their tent.

9. The handmade base for the Recycled Light Bulb Oil Lamp is created from a solid wood half dome.

10. Edson sounds like Thomas Edison, the man who invented the light bulb.

bulb 英英释义



1. a rounded part of a cylindrical instrument (usually at one end)

    e.g. the bulb of a syringe

2. electric lamp consisting of a transparent or translucent glass housing containing a wire filament (usually tungsten) that emits light when heated by electricity

    Synonym: light bulb lightbulb incandescent lamp electric light electric-light bulb

3. a rounded dilation or expansion in a canal or vessel or organ

4. bulb的近义词

4. lower or hindmost part of the brain
    continuous with spinal cord
    (`bulb' is an old term for medulla oblongata)

    e.g. the medulla oblongata is the most vital part of the brain because it contains centers controlling breathing and heart functioning

    Synonym: medulla oblongata medulla

5. a modified bud consisting of a thickened globular underground stem serving as a reproductive structure

6. anything with a round shape resembling a teardrop