bull position

bull position [bul pəˈziʃən]  [bʊl pəˈzɪʃən] 

bull position 基本解释

bull position在线翻译


bull position 网络解释

1. 长仓:bull market 牛市;升市;旺市;多头市场 | bull position 长仓 | bullion broker 金银经纪

2. 多头地位:Bullion market 贵重金属市场,金银市场 | Bull position 多头地位 | Business entity concept 企业个体概念

3. 买空地位;多头:*built-in type 内藏式[指冷冻集装箱的冷冻系统] | *bull position 买空地位;多头 | *bunker fuel 舱载燃油

4. 長倉;多頭:brokerage 經紀佣金 | bull position 長倉;多頭 | butterfly spread 蝶式買賣

bull position 双语例句


1. Bull; Hod, or have hed, a post which incudes manageria responsibiities OR have been in a position to be abe to observe organisationa and manageria practice.

2. So, I do Quotes analysis, adopted the assumption that IPO reform is effective, the first wave of the bull market started from 1664 points, the condition that the conclusion is that below the 2600 point, that could be taken in batches Jiancang practices, The more or more to buy, and closely monitor the 2538 point of this position, if it is unfortunately below, then we again declare, not later than surrender.

3. Bull; Arched shape provides support for your hand in a natural, comfortable position

bull position的意思

4. We commenced our bull operation that afternoon, with each of us picking up an initial long position around the 12.00 mark.
    那个下午我们就开始做多,每个人都在 12.00 附近建立了一个初步的多头仓。

bull position的意思

5. In 1933 a biologist at the University of Maine removed those buds from their normal position on a day-old Ayrshire bull`s forehead and replaced them, one on top of the other, in its centre.

6. Many congratulations to Red Bull for their first pole position in what is proving to be a very exciting season.

bull position

7. During the heyday of Egypt the sign of Taurus, the Bull, was in the commanding position.

8. We would like to be in the position of Red Bull and we are not, so for us it does not change a lot.

9. That is clear from the fact that Red Bull has been on pole position for all three races so far.
    这从Red Bull获得了到目前为止所有3场比赛的杆位这个事实来看就很清楚了。

bull position

10. Bull; The exact position of the stem is not critical when the valve is closed.

11. Bull; Pointer indicates start position.

12. Sebastian Vettel on Saturday kept his championship dream alive by putting his Red Bull on pole position for the Turkish grand prix.


13. Brendon Hartley is still unable to take up his position as Red Bull's formula one reserve driver.


14. It's proved in this year's market that it's better to judge the supporting position or resistence position in the market by the Cycle Lines than by Boolean Strip or other bull market indexes.

15. Pike hand accomplishes the mission queen, come on the stage on foot from flower dartlike weapon hand, hand takes charge of a pair of wood pole system, decoratre with the design and colour feather or the flower dartlike weapon taking to there is the metal interest rate hook in paper, fore-end, all on self's own, station position is hit by, and is lure a bull to initiate impingement to self.

16. A bull point for the Lancashire and Midland operators is the new monopoly position within the companies'own areas.

bull position的意思

17. Within the city limits. A bull point for the Lancashire and Midland operators is the new monopoly position within the companies'own areas.

bull position 单语例句

1. Red Bull has started all eight races this season on pole position and Germany's world champion Sebastian Vettel has won six of them.

2. Germany's Sebastian Vettel was second for Red Bull with Toyota's Italian Jarno Trulli finishing third from pole position.