
bulletproof [ˈbʊlɪtpru:f]  [ˈbʊlɪtˌpruf] 

bulletproof 基本解释


bulletproof 网络解释

1. 重案行动组:418、活火熔城.Volcano.1997 | 419、重案行动组.Bulletproof.1996 | 420、萨尔瓦多.Salvador.1986

2. 防弹的:bulletin 公告 | bulletproof 防弹的 | bullfight 斗牛

bulletproof 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Customers are enjoying the ambience - including the bulletproof glass - at a stuffed bun house that used to be a savings bank.

2. Armed police and soldiers in bulletproof vests manned checkpoints across the capital, preventing most cars and motorcycles from leaving their neighborhoods.

3. That means it had locally fabricated armor for its side panels, but not bulletproof windows or reinforced floorboards.

4. They are reconstituting it to make materials that could go far beyond the dream of bulletproof vests.

5. These containers are of a bulletproof glass manufactured to withstand blunt trauma and the corrosive elements of a popular local brew.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. The defendants'box in the new, barricaded courthouse is equipped with bulletproof glass.

7. bulletproof什么意思

7. Frankfurt police were ready wherever fans congregated, some wearing helmets and bulletproof vests also toted video cameras.

8. bulletproof什么意思

8. She was squeezed between other party officials at the front of the truck rather than in the bulletproof cubicle toward the rear.

9. Police found a handgun and a bulletproof vest in Sengstacke's car, but authorities said he never made threatening statements toward Obama.

10. The emergency team is fully equipped with bulletproof vests and other gear and can provide services similar to the 110 emergency line.

bulletproof 英英释义



1. bulletproof

1. make bulletproof

    e.g. bulletproof the car


1. bulletproof在线翻译

1. not penetrable by bullets

    e.g. bulletproof glass
           bulletproof vest

2. danci.911cha.com

2. without flaws or loopholes

    e.g. an ironclad contract
           a watertight alibi
           a bulletproof argument

    Synonym: unassailable unshakable watertight