
bumpily ['bʌmpɪlɪ]  ['bʌmpɪlɪ] 

bumpily 基本解释



bumpily 网络解释


1. 扑通:bumph 公文 | bumpily 扑通 | bumpiness 崎岖不平

bumpily 双语例句

1. The fox became furious with anger. Hepounced forward and bumpily fell into the pool.

2. The elephant jumped into the river bumpily.

3. American stocks represented 66% of the world's market value in 1970 and have been declining bumpily since then, primarily as a result of the growth in emerging markets, according to Russell Investments, which uses Russell and Morgan Stanley Capital International, or MSCI, indexes in its analysis.
    广告据Russell Investments根据罗素指数和摩根士丹利资本国际指数所作的统计显示,1970年时,美国股票在全球总市值中占66%,但随着新兴市场的发展,这个比例持续下滑。