1. 顛簸:韩艾飞分析,由於中国已经是全球最大的(Number One)原物料消费国(不是美国了),也是全球原物料需求大幅增加的主要推手. 因此只要需求仍在,供给面又没有太大改变,原物料行情未来就算出现颠簸(bumpy),但矿业股前景依然看好.
2. (崎岖地形纹理):Blob(不规则气泡) | Bumpy(崎岖地形纹理) | Drop(水滴滴落形成的纹理)
3. 颠簸的:bumptious 瞎自夸的 | bumpy 颠簸的 | bumrap 无故批评
4. 冲撞的:bumpy flow 涡流 | bumpy 冲撞的 | buna N 丁腈橡胶
1. (道路)崎岖不平的
A bumpy road or path has a lot of bumps on it.
e.g. ...bumpy cobbled streets.
2. (旅途)颠簸的
A bumpy journey is uncomfortable and rough, usually because you are travelling over an uneven surface.
e.g. ...a hot and bumpy ride across the desert...
e.g. We had a bumpy flight over the centre of Panama.
1. bumpy的反义词
1. Meanwhile, the bumpy roads are beginning to take their toll on the camper van.
2. bumpy
2. The waters were choppy and the ship was on a bumpy route.
3. With a great deal of input and effort at the planning stage, the bumpy road of many shows finally gets chosen.
4. Market analysts cautioned that a bumpy road lay ahead for CLP in the renewable energy business.
5. It was one hell of a bumpy ride, and back then I did not fully comprehend the word suspension.
6. bumpy
6. It was the biggest drop since records began in 1955, and showed the extent to which 2010 will be a bumpy year.
7. Ma's allegation later found support in a pilot's micro blog in which the airman complained about his bumpy experience when landing at the airport.
8. bumpy的解释
8. Beginners like me, slid hither and thither over the bumpy terrain.
9. But in the short run, foreign restaurants are in for a bumpy ride.
10. The RMB's path to becoming a truly international currency promises to be a bumpy one.