bungee jumping

bungee jumping[ˈbʌŋdʒi: ˈdʒʌmpiŋ] 

bungee jumping 基本解释
bungee jumping 网络解释

bungee jumping的翻译

1. 蹦极跳:<< 爱情 蹦极跳>>(Bungee Jumping)里,那名教师先前的情人死后,却从他的一名男学生那里找到了情人的影子,并疯狂的爱上他. 影片<<生活的发现>>里,男演员先是拒绝了舞蹈教练的示爱,可当他向一位有夫之妇示爱时却被拒绝了,则体现了爱的错位.

2. 蹦极:我们很多朋友都知道蹦极(Bungee Jumping)是一项户外休闲活动. 跳跃者站在约40米以上高度的位置,用橡皮绳固定住后跳下,落地前弹起. 反复弹起落下,重复多次直到弹性消失. 由蹦极衍生的蹦极跳床在奥运会中国取得了冠军之后,也开始普及起来了.

3. 蹦级跳:是世界闻名的旅游圣地,这里气候宜人,风景奇妙,每年都會吸引世界各地的游客前来. 这里也是蹦级跳(Bungee Jumping)的发源地!当然,你还可以玩到漂流,高山滑板,跳伞,滑雪等等惊险刺激的东东 ^_^

4. 高空彈跳:席凡妮根的沙滩长达数公里,是许多荷兰人携家带眷以及带狗狗最热门的假日去处,沙滩上可以见到狗狗奔跑、骏马散步、小朋友玩沙的欢乐景象,而长长的码头处,则是高空弹跳(Bungee Jumping)之地,向著海洋俯冲,这种恐惧却吸引许多人尝试.

bungee jumping 单语例句

1. The Carnival features 43 rides including a giant ferris wheel for anyone craving a sedate view and bungee jumping for anyone who isn't.

2. bungee jumping的意思

2. For an adrenaline rush, there is rock climbing and bungee jumping.

3. Even some newly emerging sports such as bungee jumping, driftage and surfing will feature on the new signs.

4. bungee jumping

4. " Bungee jumping is about pushing yourself to the limit and discovering what is there, " says a rookie jumper who has just made his first jump.

5. bungee jumping的解释

5. In her experience of the Chinese skiing industry over the past six years, she said most Chinese treat skiing like parachuting or bungee jumping.

6. The earliest bungee jumping facilities in Beijing were built here, with one platform at 48 meters and another at 55 meters.

7. A 50 meter bungee jumping platform awaits the brave on the far bank.

8. bungee jumping什么意思

8. " I'm planning to organize a bungee jumping wedding ceremony in the near future, " he says.

9. Famed Happy Valley Amusement Park also offers a variety of options including roller coasters, bungee jumping and magic shows.