
burdening ['bɜ:dnɪŋ]  ['bɜ:dnɪŋ] 








burdening 基本解释
burdening 网络解释


1. 配料:burden material 炉料 | burdening 配料 | burgers circuit 伯格斯回路

2. 配料比:burden 卷焊钢管 | burdening 配料比 | burdenratio 进炉料

3. 负担:burden 担子 | burdening 负担 | Burdigalian stage 布迪加尔阶

4. 炉料:burdengauge 炮眼导向架 | burdening 炉料 | burdening 载荷 载重 配料

burdening 单语例句

1. burdening

1. It is not uncommon for rural people with serious illnesses to kill themselves, often to avoid burdening their families with unbearable medical bills.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. The confederations argued that the government is burdening only the poorest social categories with its solutions to take Romania out of the ongoing crisis.

3. In addition to burdening people's bank accounts, food wastage also results in a wide range of other costs.

4. Yuan appreciation is burdening Sun Yun, a clothes exporter whose export destinations mainly include the United States and European countries.

5. Besides taxes, there are also various kinds of fees burdening the public.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. Instead of implementing such measures, our government is burdening people with more taxes in times of serious inflation.

7. burdening

7. Giving him little bits of information and not burdening him with too much, too soon.

8. Low temperatures not only increase the load of blood circulation therefore burdening the heart, but also heighten blood pressure.