
burlap [ˈbɜ:læp]  [ˈbɜ:rlæp] 

burlap 基本解释



burlap 网络解释


1. 粗麻布:粗麻布(Burlap):线条可以模仿粗麻布的纹理. 画布(Canvas):模仿画布的质感. 砂岩(Sandstone):线条可以模仿砂岩的质感. 载入纹理(Load Texture):我可以调取计算机存处|的纹理,进行载入. (Scaling)缩 放:缩放线条以及纹理的大小.

2. 麻布:此类包专门为骑自行车(cycling)的人设计,故此得名. messenger bag是单肩包,一般斜挎在肩膀上的. 起初多为布料(cloth),常见有帆布(canvas)和粗麻布(burlap),现在也有Nylon的. 设计很fashion,也有学生把它当作书包用.

3. 粗麻布效果:Brick:砖块效果. | Burlap:粗麻布效果. | Canvas:帆布效果.

4. 打包粗麻布:burlap sack 粗麻袋 | burlap 打包粗麻布 | burley tobacco leaf 白肋烟叶

burlap 词典解释

1. (做麻袋用的)粗麻布
    Burlap is a thick, rough fabric that is used for making sacks.

    e.g. ...a burlap sack.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 hessian
burlap 单语例句

1. State archaeologist Dennis Griffin supervised the removal of the cannons, which were placed in tanks of fresh water and burlap for preservation.

2. burlap的近义词

2. An elderly man with a conical straw hat slogs across remnants, hunched beneath a burlap sack made lumpy with shoes.

3. burlap的解释

3. You tether yourself to rusty scaffolding and pour concrete behind green burlap.

4. And as much as a burlap sack is functional, it looks too much like something indie rockers or the homeless wear.

burlap 英英释义



1. coarse jute fabric

    Synonym: gunny