








burrowing 基本解释
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burrowing 网络解释


1. 钻地:Stasis Field,冻结目标 | Burrowing,钻地 | Infestation,生产自杀炸弹兵

2. 挖掘地道:137Wild Growth野地丛生R | 139Burrowing挖掘地道R | 140Chaoslace混沌之色R

3. 掘穴:homogenous reworking 均质改造 | burrowing 掘穴 | ichnotaxonomy 遗迹分类学

4. 穴居的:牛蒡 burdock | 穴居的 burrowing | 丁醇 butanol

burrowing 双语例句


1. Burrowing scaly-tailed rat of India and Ceylon.

2. Those pieces that were too badly worn by the burrowing of shipworms were discarded, while those in better shape were kept for later voyages.

3. Growing or living or burrowing in sand.

4. Fish of sandy areas of western Pacific and Indian oceans having an angular snout for burrowing into sand.


5. Lurker Burrow Bug: Intentionally burrowing a hydra that is changing into a lurker under a building.

6. Cylindrical mass of earth voided by a burrowing earthworm or lugworm.

7. The same principle would apply if there was interference from any two conditions, i. e., casual water, a hole made by a burrowing animal, an immovable obstruction, from which relief without penalty was available in taking relief from one condition it resulted in interference from the second condition.


8. Any of several stocky, burrowing, Australian marsupials of the family Vombatidae, somewhat resembling a small bear and feeding mainly on grass, leaves, and roots.


9. A combination of erosion and insect burrowing could have caused this hole.

10. Small bushy-tailed South American burrowing rodents.

11. What are you burrowing around in my drawer for?


12. Loudred: Where do you think you're burrowing off to?


13. It can then cause a lot of tissue damage, especially by burrowing deep into the tissues.

14. I'm a gold-digger, burrowing in from the land of opportunists.


15. To his surprise, a small black creature is burrowing around his feet in water.

16. Rabbit Any of various long-eared, short-tailed, burrowing mammals of the family Leporidae, as the commonly domesticated Old World species Oryctolagus cuniculus or the cottontail.
      兔:一种长耳、短尾、穴居的兔科哺乳动物,如通常已驯化的欧洲种家兔或野兔 bunny


17. A large nocturnal burrowing rodent of the genus Cuniculus, found in South and Central America and similar to the agouti, especially the spotted species C.


18. A large nocturnal burrowing rodent of the genus Cuniculus, found in South and Central America and similar to the agouti, especially the spotted species C. paca that lives on plants and fruit and is hunted for its edible flesh.

19. Potting soil is a very good substrate to use, it holds moisture and it allows for burrowing.


20. A small animal cannot always migrate to a warmer climate in winter, so it hibernates, effectively cutting its energy consumption and thus its need for food, remaining secure from predators by burrowing underground.

burrowing 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Dropping rates might induce consumers and businesses to stop burrowing and instead boost their spending, an important ingredient to energize overall economic activity.

2. They've earned their livings by burrowing tunnels in the massive anthill beneath Shandong province's Zhaoyuan city.

3. burrowing的解释

3. " You are burrowing into our group to get us all arrested, " Yao remembers a procurer as saying.

4. " It's like looking at a strange lunar landscape with small creatures burrowing their way out, " said Shanahan.

5. Work also continued in the mine itself, where rescuers were slowly burrowing through the debris to reach the workers.