
bursa [ˈbɜ:sə]  [ˈbɜ:rsə] 


第三人称复数:bursae; bursaes

bursa 基本解释



bursa 网络解释


1. 囊:腔上囊(bursa) 亦称法氏囊,为鸟类所特有的中枢免疫器官. 性成熟前达到最大,以后逐渐萎缩退化消失. 1. 杀伤细胞(K cell) 简称K细胞,其主要特点是细胞表面具有IgG的Fc受体. 当靶细胞与相应的IgG结合,K细胞可与结合在靶细胞上的IgG的Fc结合,

2. 粘液囊:有人习惯不断地前后踢脚,来增加髋关节的弹性,这是很可怕的事,因为每天长期这样踢来踢去,会造成髂腰肌的肌腱在股骨处的粘液囊(bursa)发炎,这个囊的作用是减少磨擦力,但经不起每天都来个前踢后踢个一百下,记得早期,

3. 滑液囊:坐骨粗隆位於大腿转弯处的凹窝、它位於荐骨外侧缘侧前外侧以及股骨大转子的后内侧,因呈孤形的粗隆坐者时它承载上半身的重量,因骑脚踏车时坐垫太小使臀部的重量避免荐骨也呈受重量而使荐骨往前滑动,滑液囊(bursa)及大内收肌的肌腱从后面覆盖着部份坐骨粗隆,

bursa 单语例句

1. bursa

1. Bursa noted that Malaysia was the second Asean country to be recognized as an authorized market for Chinese investors.

2. bursa的解释

2. Bursa Malaysia Bhd said the QDII recognition augured well for the exchange.

3. He had an inflamed bursa removed and a frayed labrum trimmed in his shoulder during the operation.

4. Bursa Malaysia holds another advantage, since government measures encourage pension funds in the country to invest in its stock exchange.

5. bursa在线翻译

5. The pipeline from Bursa Turkey to Komotini Greece is expected to be operational in 2006.

bursa 英英释义


1. a small fluid-filled sac located between movable parts of the body especially at joints