burst in

burst in [bə:st in]  [bɚst ɪn] 

burst in 基本解释

burst in

动词闯进; 闯入,打断,突然出现

burst in 网络解释

1. 闯入:burst forth 突发 | burst in 闯入 | burst into laughter 突然大笑

2. 突然冲入:10. go on 发生,进行 | 11. burst in 突然冲入 | 12. glare at 对......怒目而视

3. 闯进、闯入:burn up 消耗 | burst in 闯进、闯入 | burst into flames 突然着火

4. 突然出现:12.although:尽管 | 13.burst in;突然出现 | 14.counter:柜台

burst in 单语例句

1. The truck had burst into flames when its load of calcium carbide mixed with water in the ditch.

2. burst in的解释

2. Many people go hiking and climbing in the countryside, enjoying Mother Nature's final burst of color before she puts on her dull winter cloak.

3. When Amy first burst onto the music scene in 2003 with her debut album'Frank'she was known for her curvaceous figure.

4. Fifteen miners were killed and one was trapped after a gas burst at a coal mine in Guizhou province on Tuesday.

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5. Sixteen miners died when improperly drained gas burst from a coal mine in Central China's Hunan Province on Monday afternoon.

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6. An earthen dam burst on the Hawaiian island of Kauai on Tuesday, sweeping away houses in a torrent of water 150 yards across.

7. Wade had five points in the burst, which included a scary moment that led to the ejection of Boston guard Ricky Davis.

8. Due to the air pressure in the plane, the packet burst and a number of passengers almost vomited due to the strong odour.

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9. Mainland property players have been oversold due to property bubble burst leading to the fall in housing prices.

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10. I couldn't remember seeing such an intense burst of fresh foliage anywhere else in the desert.