burst open

burst open [bə:st ˈəupən]  [bɚst ˈopən] 

burst open 基本解释

动词猛然打开; 绷

burst open 网络解释

1. 猛然打开:burst one's sides with laughter 捧腹大笑 | burst open 猛然打开 | burst out crying 突然哭起来

2. 推开; 忽然打开; 裂开:burst oneself (过劳)伤身 | burst open 推开; 忽然打开; 裂开 | burst out 大呼; 惊叫; 冲出; 突然发作

3. 激情四射(日):BEAUTIFUL GIRL 美丽女孩 | BURST OPEN 激情四射(日) | CONTRACT GIRLS 合同女孩

4. [開]:1. BURST OPEN [開] | 2. THE TARGET IN SIGHT [突] | 3. HUNCH [闘]

burst open 单语例句

1. Wang was holding a detonator in his right hand and his abdomen was burst open, police said.

2. Most heart attacks happen when fatty deposits in an artery burst open, and a blood clot then forms to seal the break.

3. He said later he tends to bottle up his emotions and they burst forth at the British Open.

4. burst open的解释

4. With parliamentary elections less than five weeks away, the confrontation burst into the open with the impeachment motion.