
bussed ['bʌst]  ['bʌst] 







bussed 基本解释
接吻,一种帆船( buss的过去式和过去分词 );
bussed 双语例句

1. Kissing the ground he's leaving behind; the militants being bussed to Gaza, or to a life in exile abroad.


2. In case of 8-bit pull-up resistors/termination resistors, if footprint area needed for 8 chip resistors(1608 size) is considered as 100%, area requirement is only 8 for 2 chip network resistors CN1J4 (with 4 elements) and 45% for one CND1J10 (with bussed 8 elements).
    如果八个分离的上拉/终端电阻(1608封装)的管脚布线面积认为是100%的话,8的电阻只需要两片网络电阻 CN1J4(4个电阻),而用 CND1J10(8的电阻)的话,面积只是分离电阻的45%。

3. My stupit car bussed, can i brow a ride?


4. Essential services were provided by Serbian workers bussed in from outside the province.

5. On May Day hundreds of thousands used to be bussed in to parade through East Berlin


6. To get our Colombian visas we bussed back to Medellin

7. Israeli ministers bussed to their weekly cabinet meeting today not in Jerusalem as usual, but in a military base on the West Bank.


8. Thousands of protesters, many of them bussed in from the countryside, are sleeping in the shadows of luxury hotels and shopping malls.


9. The children were bussed to school. How long will it take to the Hotel by a limousine?

10. First pumping gas and then I bussed tables and waitressed at a place called Nora's, which is a fantastic restaurant.

11. The children were bussed to school.


12. NARRATOR: While the protestors represented an array of interest groups, the majority were from American labor unions, which had bussed in thousands of their members.


13. We were bussed to the beach and you could do as much or as little as you wanted.

14. But how could he. He is driven or bussed to school for safety reasons.

15. We were bussed from the airport to our hotel.


16. We bussed to new york.

17. These are the same youth who were bussed in to support the path of the Olympic flame across the world.

18. Children are bussed to the grammar schools.

19. He bussed to the city.

bussed 单语例句

1. Only 56 km northeast of Mexico City, participants could be bussed to Teotihuacan quickly from the capital.