
buttony ['bʌtnɪ]  ['bʌtnɪ] 

buttony 基本解释


buttony 网络解释

1. 钮扣状的:buttonhole stitch 镶边的针脚 | buttony 钮扣状的 | buttress up 支持

2. 多钮扣的:buttontach 扣子 | buttony 多钮扣的 | buttony 钮扣状的

3. 钮扣状的/多钮扣的:buttonwood /扣子树/其木材/ | buttony /钮扣状的/多钮扣的/ | buttress /拱壁/扶壁/支持物/支持/以扶壁支撑/

buttony 双语例句

1. Under the stairs of her house, she stood in the shadow staring at him with smile. The glare of her black buttony eyes blindfolded the boy`s.

2. Bright beady eyes; black buttony eyes.

buttony 英英释义



1. ornamented with many buttons

2. small and round and shiny like a shiny bead or button

    e.g. bright beady eyes
           black buttony eyes

    Synonym: beady beadlike buttonlike