by day

by day [bai dei]  [baɪ de] 

by day 基本解释


by day 反义词

by day什么意思

by night

by day 网络解释

1. 在白天:at bottom 在本质上; | by day 在白天; | at table 吃飡

2. 日间,在白天:172. at dawn在黎明;破晓 | 173. by day 日间, 在白天 | 174. day after day 日复一日

3. 日间;白天里:by and by 不久,不久以后 | by day 日间;白天里 | by far 很,极

4. 白天里:23 be prepared to do sth. 为...做准备 | 24 by day 白天里 | 25 apply for 申请

by day 单语例句

1. An extended rally may include some days where there is a strong price retreat but then this is quickly followed by another up day.

2. Her eyes and nose are still a little swollen but they are recovering day by day.

3. By accident, the next day I met one of the guest " consultants " at a party.

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4. Sick of being badly treated, the father killed his son that day by accident while being abused again by him.

5. by day的解释

5. Today is also getaway day for thousands of people who have elected to travel by car.

6. In a global marketplace that is getting smaller by the day, choice of goods and services abounds for consumers.

7. By comparison, about 350 people per day made the trip last year.

8. by day什么意思

8. " We're getting better and better day by day, " Yao Ming said.

9. " We continue to get better day by day, " Compass said.

10. by day什么意思

10. Oil prices and maintenance fees are on the rise day by day, and carpooling can help me save some money.