
bypass [ˈbaɪpɑ:s]  [ˈbaɪˌpæs] 









bypass 基本解释

名词旁道,支路; 迂回管道; [电]分路迂徊; [医]导管

及物动词疏通; 忽视; 管道运输

bypass 相关例句



1. We took the bypass to avoid the town centre.

bypass 网络解释

1. 繞過:另外,数据传输包括文件系统数据和原始i/o(raw i/o),原始i/o是指对不含文件系统的磁盘的i/o ,raw i/o绕过(bypass)缓冲区和cache,可以提供比文件系统i/o更好的性能.

2. bypass:by; 电桥旁路

3. bypass:byp; 旁路

bypass 词典解释

1. (通常为更快地实现某事)越过,避开,绕开
    If you bypass someone or something that you would normally have to get involved with, you ignore them, often because you want to achieve something more quickly.

    e.g. A growing number of employers are trying to bypass the unions altogether...
    e.g. Regulators worry that controls could easily be bypassed.

2. bypass什么意思

2. (心脏)分流术,搭桥手术
    A bypass is a surgical operation performed on or near the heart, in which the flow of blood is redirected so that it does not flow through a part of the heart which is diseased or blocked.

    e.g. ...heart bypass surgery.

3. 对(动脉等)作分流术;为…作搭桥术
    If a surgeon bypasses a diseased artery or other part of the body, he or she performs an operation so that blood or other bodily fluids do not flow through it.

    e.g. Small veins are removed from the leg and used to bypass the blocked up stretch of coronary arteries.

4. (绕过城镇中心的)旁道,外环路
    A bypass is a main road which takes traffic around the edge of a town rather than through its centre.

    e.g. A new bypass around the city is being built.
    e.g. ...the Hereford bypass.

5. bypass是什么意思

5. (道路)绕过
    If a road bypasses a place, it goes around it rather than through it.

    e.g. for new roads to bypass cities.

6. 绕…而行
    If you bypass a place when you are travelling, you avoid going through it.

    e.g. The rebel forces simply bypassed Zwedru on their way further south.

bypass 单语例句

1. Yeltsin had for years been dogged by heart problems that required multiple heart bypass surgery while he was still in office.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. Craig Smith, who performed the bypass surgery on Clinton in September.

3. A senior health professional said many surgeons are giving patients stents - tubes used to bypass blockages - that they do not need.


4. He also denied making any attempt to bypass the normal selection procedure, nor instruct anyone that the project be awarded to a particular agency.

5. Scientists have said that tiny nerves crisscrossing the spine can bypass crippling injuries recently written off as irreversible.

6. Thousands of fresh college graduates will be able to bypass the grim job market by pursuing special internships at major firms across the country.

7. It was the first aid delivered under internationally backed funding restrictions that bypass the Palestinian government led by the militant group Hamas since March.

8. Publishers can bypass stores by selling their games online, but exposure on store shelves is still an important part of game marketing.


9. He predicted the seven firms would find ways to bypass the curbs through implicit promises that aren't written in contracts.

10. Obama's decision to bypass the general election's public finance system allows him to use left over primary money in the fall campaign.

bypass 英英释义



1. a highway that encircles an urban area so that traffic does not have to pass through the center

    Synonym: beltway ring road ringway

2. bypass的意思

2. a conductor having low resistance in parallel with another device to divert a fraction of the current

    Synonym: shunt electrical shunt

3. a surgically created shunt (usually around a damaged part)


1. avoid something unpleasant or laborious

    e.g. You cannot bypass these rules!

    Synonym: short-circuit go around get around