名词实习生; 候补军官; 陆海军官学校的学员; 幼子,次子
1. 实习生:国船级社(CCS)受理的ERS船舶为例,商船实习生(cadet)的未来-谈应具备责任与使命(下)了本行. (iii) 船上高级干部为了靠港外出任学生. (viii) 船上本身干部就不健全素质休闲设备仅有沙龙(SALON)间之
2. 见习生:俄国骠骑兵团标准编制为10个野战中队,具体兵力包括1名colonel-in-chief(请教该如何翻译),1名上校,1名中校,2名少校,8名上尉,7名参谋军官,20名中尉,5名准尉(sergeant major),20名见习生(cadet),10名军需官,90名士官,1320名士兵,
3. 军校学生:中华独中区域的官员 ( officer )要求全体军校学生 ( cadet )立即以学校区域之分自行进队 ( fall-in ). 有纪律、规矩、服从性,阵势很大. 经过了一些规律而有效率的安排,我被置身于第六分支队 ( Contingent No. 6 ). 队长名叫 Mr.Yee Kar Heng,
4. 軍校生:球童的雏形,最早出现在16世纪. 当时苏格兰的玛丽女王酷爱高尔高尔夫运动,经常前往法国与当地的贵族一起打球. 在法国,贵族们喜欢让军校的学生背沉重的球包. 当玛丽女王回到苏格兰后,就将军校生(cadet)一词带回,后来就发展为我们熟悉的球童...
1. 911查询·英语单词
1. (军队或警校的)学员
A cadet is a young man or woman who is being trained in the armed services or the police.
e.g. ...army cadets.
e.g. ...the Cadet Corps.
1. cadet的近义词
1. " Police Cadet 84 " was another highlight of Tony's tvb career.
2. cadet什么意思
2. A female cadet accused a male cadet of secretly filming the pair having sex and showing it to his friends via the Internet.
3. One officer cadet had his wallet, jacket and mobile stolen from a lounge while he was eating lunch in the mess.
4. While Margie was gaining popularity after " Police Cadet 85 ", she too were busy shooting films and making new friends.
5. Police official Meer Sardar said the abduction occurred about 30 km from Razmak Cadet College in North Waziristan tribal area.
6. Especially after " Police Cadet 85 ", they became the hottest couple on the screen as well as off the screen.
7. Cadet colleges in Pakistan are usually run by retired military officers and educate teenagers.