
cadge [kædʒ]  [kædʒ] 






cadge 基本解释



cadge 相关例句



1. He cadged 20 cents.

cadge 网络解释

1. 乞讨:很久以前,维也纳的古城里有一个双目失明的老人,靠乞讨(cadge)为生. 他每天都沿街乞讨,很多时候,乞讨了一天也得不到多少施舍,所以老人经常忍饥挨饿. 冬天来临的时候,还常常因为没有厚棉衣而冻得瑟瑟发抖.

2. 行乞:cadette 女性职员 | cadge 行乞 | cadi 下级法官

3. 行乞,乞求:badge 徽章,像章;标志 | cadge 行乞,乞求 | hedge 篱笆,树篱;障碍物

4. 行乞/乞讨/贩卖:cadetship /军校学员的地位/ | cadge /行乞/乞讨/贩卖/ | cadger /小型注油器/

cadge 双语例句


1. From now on, of Zhang Lu cadge the level exceeded money baldicoot far.


2. Could I cadge a lift with you?

3. The police arrested 8 people who forge and cadge fake collage notice at the beginning of this month.

4. Just cupboard love; they were always coming up to cadge from her money, food furniture, anything and everything.

5. I managed to cadge a ride with a lorry driver.


6. Homeless people forced to cadge in subway stations.

7. You see this man cadge here, I give him five Yuan or ten Yuan that's ok, we need to give something for the man like this sometimes.


8. The police arrest 8 person who forge and cadge the fake advice note of matriculate.

9. Lead author Wendy Cadge, a sociologist at Brandeis University in Waltham, Mass., found that the prayers fell into one of three categories -- about 28 percent of prayers were requests of God, 28 percent were prayers to both thank and petition God, while another 22 percent of the prayers just thanked God.

10. Can I cadge a cigarette?


11. He could cadge a ride from somebody.


12. May I cadge a cigarette from you?

13. He would never come here, unless it was to cadge free drinks.


14. To cadging make a living as a performer person clear the standard also had clear, pester repeatedly namely, beg forcibly the person that reach the means with other and mobbish other to cadge.

15. People of a batch of another batch of inside Shanghaiguan leave his native place, cadge all the way to district extensive northeast earth fends.

16. On the other hand, international lawbreakers cadge children multinationally without restraint, in the name of foreign adoption, whose shocking crimes make every country and area take cautious attitude to admitting the force of foreign adoption from another country or area, even place obstacles.

cadge 词典解释

1. 乞得;索取;讨到
    If someone cadges food, money, or help from you, they ask you for it and succeed in getting it.

    e.g. Can I cadge a cigarette?...
    e.g. He could cadge a ride from somebody.

cadge 英英释义


1. obtain or seek to obtain by cadging or wheedling

    e.g. he is always shnorring cigarettes from his friends

    Synonym: schnorr shnorr scrounge

2. cadge

2. ask for and get free
    be a parasite

    Synonym: mooch bum grub sponge