1. You need calcium in your food to grow strong, healthy bones.
1. 钙:而采用铅钙合金作为蓄电池栅板则有着最好的保水性能. 最开始俺在俺新买的电池上看见有一个大大英语'钙'(Calcium)的单词时俺还纳闷,难道电池还缺钙. 现在才知道该电池用的是铅钙合金栅板.
2. 钙质:这些食物中可以提供一天所需的蛋白质(protain)、钙质(calcium)及核黄素(riboflavin). (二)低热量肉品类:每天两份. 每份平均是两盎司水煮瘦牛肉、鸡肉、猪肉或鱼或是一杯豆浆. 这些食物提供一天所需的铁质(iron)、锌(zinc)维他命B群(B vitamins)及高单位蛋白质.
3. [化]钙:数字证书是用来建立数字签名和公-私(public-private)密钥对的. CA在这个过程中所起的作用就是保证获得这一独特证书的人就是被授权者本人. 在数据安全和电子商务中,CA是一个非常重要的组成部分,因为它们确保信息交换各方的身份. symb <化>钙 (calcium)
4. 钙片:据该院内分泌科主任刘理副教授介绍,据世界卫生组织(WHO)统计,骨质疏松症在世界常见病、多发本报讯 2005年8月12日,FDA批准赛诺菲-安万特公司(Sanofi-Aventis)的利塞膦酸钠片剂(risedronate sodium,Actonel)与钙片(calcium)的组合包装产品用于
1. 钙
Calcium is a soft white element which is found in bones and teeth, and also in limestone, chalk, and marble.
1. " It's a little like taking calcium supplements, " says Tao.
2. calcium
2. Coral reefs are underwater structures made from calcium carbonate secreted by coral and mangroves grow in saline coastal habitats in the tropics and subtropics.
3. calcium的反义词
3. The average calcium intake of urban and the rural populations was only 391 milligrams, equivalent to 41 per cent of the recommended dietary intake.
4. It charged that several of the calcium tablets contained large traces of hydrogen peroxide, which the paper claimed had the potential to cause cancer.
5. The commission members said eating potato chips and foreign fast foods was causing students to become overweight and suffer from calcium deficiencies.
6. Doctors prescribe calcium supplements for patients with osteoporosis - and also recommend lifestyle changes, such as more exercise and greater exposure to the sun.
7. calcium
7. Although milk is regarded as inherently nutritious with high calcium content, consumers are increasingly likely to prefer milk fortified with healthy ingredients.
8. calcium什么意思
8. The area is noted for its karst outcrops and famous for its deep rift, waterfalls and curtains of calcium deposits.
9. Jacoby said that Wang suffered from minor deficiencies of potassium and calcium and that they were unlikely to have any effect on her mental state.
10. One way we might regularly perceive calcium is when it comes to minute levels found in drinking water.
1. a white metallic element that burns with a brilliant light
the fifth most abundant element in the earth's crust
an important component of most plants and animals
Synonym: Ca atomic number 20