call to order

call to order [kɔ:l tu: ˈɔ:də]  [kɔl tu ˈɔrdɚ] 

call to order 基本解释

正式宣布开会; 请某人遵守会场秩序

call to order 网络解释

call to order的近义词

1. 要求遵守秩序:Am I in order? 我这样做符合议程规定吗? | call to order 要求遵守秩序 | to raise a point of order 提出关于议程的问题

2. 要求遵守规则;宣布开会:call for nomination 吁请提名 | call to order 要求遵守规则;宣布开会 | campaign 运动;活动

3. 请...遵守会场秩序, 请...安静; 请遵守议事规程 宣布开会:by order of ... 奉...的命令 | call to order 请...遵守会场秩序, 请...安静; 请遵守议事规程;宣布开会 | draw up in order 把...排整齐

4. 让保持秩序,让肃静(多指会议、课堂等):I suddenly call his address to mind.我突然想起他的住址来了. | to order让保持秩序,让肃静(多指会议、课堂等) | The Chairman called the meeting to order.主席让大家保持会场秩序.

call to order 单语例句

1. His mobile phone number is written on his store's glass door, and customers can call during the day to place an order.

2. The three companies call on the commission to " issue an exclusion order and cease and desist orders " on the wireless devices in question.

3. In addition to making a phone call to place an order, clients can also order online.

4. He also voiced a call for concerned parties in the region to restore political stability and social order through dialogues and consultation.

5. The law will call for heavy punishments for those who intentionally add banned substances to food in order to make a profit.

6. Some people say that China shouldn't always show its wound to others in order to win sympathy and call this " victim's psychology ".

7. It would be easier to have a Chinese friend make the call and order it, if your Chinese skills are a bit lacking.

8. But today it is unrealistic for the government to call all residents through an administrative order.

9. call to order在线翻译

9. As the United States government is trying to put the country's financial house in order, there has been a rising call for the downsizing of banks.

10. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

10. Because of the limited space, you'd better call to order seats ahead of time.

call to order 英英释义



1. open formally

    e.g. the chairman called the meeting to order by pounding his gavel