call waiting

call waiting [kɔ:l ˈweɪtɪŋ]  [kɔl ˈwetɪŋ] 

call waiting 基本解释

call waiting在线翻译


call waiting 网络解释


1. 呼叫等待:例如对于电话业务,可以在基本通话(Call)业务上扩展出一些增值业务如:呼叫等待(Call Waiting)和呼叫转移(Call Transfer). 我们可以用扩展关系将这些业务的用例模型描述如下. 用例事件流的一部分是否已被构建为另一个用例?如果是,

2. 话中插接:从业者最有利可图或消费者可享受最大折扣的角度来看,竞争策略应该都是把基本电话服务与其他各种服务结合为套餐,例如话中插接(Call Waiting)、指定转接(Call Forwarding)等附加服务,以及行动电话、网路传讯等其他通讯服务,

3. 电话插拨:除透过不断调降预付型用户通话费率以吸引用户之外,2003年Digi更开放预付型用户使用原针对契约型用户推出的服务,如推出预付型电话插拨(Call Waiting)、电话转接(Call Forwarding)和多人会议(Multi-Party Conference)等服务,

4. 得等待:call switch 呼叫转换开关 | call waiting 得等待 | call wire 呼叫线路

call waiting 词典解释

1. 呼叫等待(服务)
    Call waiting is a telephone service that sends you a signal if another call arrives while you are already on the phone.

    e.g. ICM is an internationally patented call waiting service suited to the domestic market.

call waiting 单语例句

1. call waiting

1. While Li was answering the call of nature, her friend was waiting outside.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. The owner managed to call the police and keep the thief waiting on the pretext of showing him a better quality stone.

3. " I've been waiting for this day since I received the call last month, " Pavin said.

4. call waiting的翻译

4. My father will call me on the phone the day before I return, assuring me he's already bought them and that they are waiting for me.

5. TV news reports show people patiently waiting in long lines to buy food and water, or to make a call at a public phone booth.

call waiting 英英释义

call waiting的反义词



1. a way of letting you know that someone else is calling when you are using your telephone