
calling [ˈkɔ:lɪŋ]  [ˈkɔlɪŋ] 


calling 基本解释


名词呼喊; (从事某职业或活动的)欲望; 职业; 邀请

动词叫( call的现在分词); 通电话; 认为; 估计

calling 相关例句



1. We heard the calling of the bells to prayer.

2. He did it in response to an inner calling.

3. He is a tailor by calling.

4. He had a calling to become a priest.

5. What was his calling?

calling 情景对话


A:Do you have a calling card ?

B:Yes , right here.

A:Here‘s one of mine.



A:Can I help you?

B:Yes, I’m calling about the (continuing skills/ adult education/ summer school) program.


A:I‘m calling to confirm our luncheon appointment.

B:It‘s tomorrow at twelve o‘clock, right?

A:Yes, that‘s right.

B:I‘ll be there.

calling 网络解释


1. 调用:Fidelity Ventures的合伙人拉里•张(Larry Chang)以Google Reader的订户数量为标准,整理了100大风投博客榜单,以下是该榜单前20位排名: 序号 博客姓名 所属风投公司回调函数、消息和事件例程 调用(calling)机制从汇编时代起已经大量使用:准备一段现成的代码,

2. 感召:使其生活有意义且变的不一样.其次,建立利他的爱的社会或组织文化,在其中,领导与部属对自我和他人有真正的关怀,因而产生成员的领悟且被了解与感激.第二个关键则提到灵性领导两个精华层面:感召(calling)与成员感(memb

calling 词典解释

1. 行业;职业
    A calling is a profession or career which someone is strongly attracted to, especially one which involves helping other people.

    e.g. He was a consultant physician, a serious man dedicated to his calling.

calling 单语例句

1. Insiders are also calling for better services to capitalize on the huge business opportunity.

2. He started calling his insurance company in the early morning, only to hear nothing on the line for hours but a busy signal.

3. Pan said she initially considered calling the police, but then decided to try to persuade the young man to return her bag.

4. Washington yesterday condemned the attack, calling it " an act of terrorism ".

5. " They could be violating the Race Discrimination Ordinance simply by name calling, " Tang cautioned.

6. calling的翻译

6. Experts are calling for urgent action and want owners and staff of these ships and boats to clean up their act or face punishment.

7. calling

7. China and Russia have been calling for further talks rather than aggressive UN action against Iran.

8. The Vatican has led the offensive against The Da Vinci Code, calling for a boycott and even unspecified legal action against both the book and film.

9. On another liver virus, officials are calling hepatitis C a major public health threat in China.

10. A caveat is that recipients see numbers on their Caller IDs that are different than the cell numbers of the people calling them.

calling 英英释义



1. calling

1. the particular occupation for which you are trained

    Synonym: career vocation