
calls ['kɔ:lz]  ['kɔ:lz] 






calls 基本解释
调用;叫( call的第三人称单数 );通电话;认为;估计;
calls 网络解释

1. 调用:对于已接收的 NFS 调用(calls)和由于认证未通过而被拒绝的调用(badcalls)NFS 服务器显示它们的数目,同时也能显示其他很多种类已发生调用的数目和百分比.

2. 买权:执行价格的设定对期权的执行价格重新进行设定,可以获得一类新型的期权. 平均执行价格期权平均执行价格期权(averageoption)把执行价格设定为基础资产在合. AMER 9月买权(Calls) 9月卖权(Puts)

3. 買式選擇權:Calling card 电话签帐卡 | Calls 买式选择权 | Cambridge cash balance equation 剑桥现金余额方程式

4. (呼叫中心):lifestyle centers (生活方式中心) | calls (呼叫中心) | markets (市场)

calls 单语例句

1. United Kingdom architects Lewis & Hickey were a pilot business for the service, which saved the firm 30 to 90 percent of its costs for phone calls.

2. calls的意思

2. China Business News calls it the first mobile game tailored for consumer products in China.

3. Fortress and Nelson did not return calls from The Associated Press after business hours.

4. Calls to Sharif's publicist and Anderson's lawyer after business hours were not immediately returned.

5. The strengthening comes amid persistent calls for China to act to cut its massive trade surpluses.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Palestinians in turn agreed to act against what Israel calls " ticking bombs " - assailants on their way to attack Israelis.

7. Rescue teams around the capital had a busy holiday season responding to calls for help.

8. But the executive admitted there could be hurdles in buying up US companies, including what he calls misconceptions about Chinese companies.

9. calls

9. The road map calls for disarming the militants, but Abbas is refusing to try to do that by force.

10. This will not be sudden, but it will be accelerated by margin calls and regulation changes.