1. 外傾:所以我这一贴就主要把用到的汽车理论中的知识说明一下,一是提供基础知识供日后分析之用,二是可以把分析方法说得尽量明白:1.涉及知识:车辆稳态转向特性,轮胎的侧偏特性,车轮的外倾(Camber),前束(TOE)等
2. 曲度:悬吊系统方面,在前轮配备了曲度(Camber)调整功能,将避震器变更成倒叉式. 后方则将滚动中心(Roll Center)降低30mm,以提升灵敏的操控性能与接地性(Grounding Property). 自EVOLUTION IV采用AYC,EVOLUTION V更将前轮的螺旋式(Helical)LSD列为标准配备,
3. 預拱:3.5.6 钢梁若不计预拱(Camber)时,允许偏心(对中心线而言)为:(4)油漆工程应以无空气喷雾器喷射法(Airless Spray)或用手刷法 (Brush Method )施工为原则.
1. (道路的)中凸形,拱形
A camber is a gradual downward slope from the centre of a road to each side of it.
1. camber的意思
1. the alignment of the wheels of a motor vehicle closer together at the bottom than at the top
2. a slope in the turn of a road or track
the outside is higher than the inside in order to reduce the effects of centrifugal force
3. camber
3. a slight convexity (as of the surface of a road)
1. camber
1. curve upward in the middle