
camp [kæmp]  [kæmp] 









camp 基本解释


名词营地,工地宿舍; 阵营(指观点相同且与持不同观点者对立的集团); 兵营; (度假者、旅游者,尤指青少年的)野营地


形容词夸张的; (男子)女人腔的; 陈腐可笑的; (男人或其举止)故意带女子气的

不及物动词(尤指在假日)野营; 借住; 行动矫揉造作; 搞同性恋

及物动词使扎营(住宿); 使宿于营中; 为…提供住处; 临时安顿

camp 相关词组


1. camp it up : 装模作样, (戏)演得过火, 哗众取宠;

camp 相关例句


1. The herdsmen camped themselves on the grasslands.

2. They camped the quake victims in tents.


1. Where shall we camp tonight?


1. The travellers set up a camp near the river.

camp 网络解释


1. 露营:因此,露营(camp)这指令也变得越来越重要. 森林里有各种生物如艾福(猴子)、派德LV8、胡狼LV8. 其战斗力各有所长,以后者的实力为最强. 派德LV8虽然懂得治疗魔法,但实际的威胁不大. 升级到LV10时,希安的必杀技更多元化.

2. 野营:4.我们(us)在大学校园(campus)野营(camp). 弦(chord)就是细绳或粗线(cord),二者音同,chord中h脱落即成cord,英语单词中h不发音而增加或脱落的现象很普遍. 记cleft(裂缝)时可联想clift(悬崖),悬崖上有裂缝. 5.

3. 帐篷:通常Safari根据住宿方式不同可以分为住帐篷(Camp)和木屋(Lodge),帐篷便宜一些,木屋则很昂贵,每天要数百美元. Safari通常要求4WD,2WD不准许进入国家公园. 4WD根据游客的人数不同,价格也不同,通常为2-6人,自然是人越少,价格越高.

4. camp:computer assisted movie production; 计算机辅助电影制作

5. camp:change apply and manage process; 变更请求与处理流程

6. camp:computer aided mask production; 计算机辅助掩模生产

7. camp:computer aided mask preparation; 计算机辅助掩模制备

camp 词典解释

1. camp

1. (为某一人群提供的)营地(如难民营、战俘营、军营等)
    A camp is a collection of huts and other buildings that is provided for a particular group of people, such as refugees, prisoners, or soldiers, as a place to live or stay.

    e.g. ...a refugee camp...
    e.g. 2,500 foreign prisoners-of-war, including Americans, had been held in camps near Tambov.
           包括美国兵在内的 2,500名外国战俘一直被囚禁在坦波夫附近的战俘营。

2. 度假村;度假营地
    A camp is an outdoor area with buildings, tents, or caravans where people stay on holiday.

3. (通常指旅行中临时的)营地
    A camp is a collection of tents or caravans where people are living or staying, usually temporarily while they are travelling.

    e.g. ...gypsy camps...
    e.g. We'll make camp on that hill ahead.

4. 扎营;宿营;露宿;露营
    If you camp somewhere, you stay or live there for a short time in a tent or caravan, or in the open air.

    e.g. We camped near the beach.
    e.g. ...the men, who are camping on the pavement in sleeping bags.

They went camping in the wilds.
...a camping trip.

5. (拥护某人、某政策或某观念的)阵营,集团,派别
    You can refer to a group of people who all support a particular person, policy, or idea as a particular camp .

    e.g. The press release provoked furious protests from the Gore camp and other top Democrats.
    e.g. ...a close colleague, who had sided with the opposite camp in an office dispute.

6. (常指男同性恋者的举止、表演、穿着)夸张而惹人发笑的,娘娘腔的,忸怩作态的
    If you describe someone's behaviour, performance, or style of dress as camp, you mean that it is exaggerated and amusing, often in a way that is thought to be typical of some male homosexuals.

    e.g. James Barron turns in a delightfully camp performance.

7. see also: camped;aide-de-camp;concentration camp;holiday camp;labour camp;prison camp;training camp

8. 故作夸张地表演;装腔作势;忸怩作态
    If a performer camps it up, they deliberately perform in an exaggerated and often amusing way.

    e.g. He camped it up, he told bad taste jokes and endless anecdotes with no point at all.

相关词组:camp out

camp 单语例句

1. The United Nations has begun busing refugees out of the reception camp to other sites so they can be better cared for.

2. Hurley was released by the Others with an order to return to camp and warn the rest of the castaways against retaliating.

3. His special operations forces that year were also accused by human rights activists of abusing detainees at Camp Nama at Baghdad International Airport.

4. He said the opposition camp was not acting responsibly because it knew that it could take constitutional development forward if they voted for the proposals.

5. The Shangrao Concentration Camp was surrounded by high walls and wire netting, with densely distributed lookout posts and stern guards.

6. At the closing ceremony of the summer camp, 18 participants who celebrated birthdays over the four days were surprised with flowers and cake.

7. camp

7. " I'm in the Sir Alex Ferguson camp, " he told Reuters on Tuesday.

8. They each described separate massacres in 1988 of detainees who were herded onto trucks and told they were being taken to another prison camp.

9. A total of 47 Chinese workers were in the camp then, among whom 29 were abducted by the assailants while the other 18 managed to escape.

10. Aid workers complained Thursday that relief efforts are chaotic and lack resources as the homeless in squalid camp faced growing health risks.

camp 英英释义


1. temporary living quarters specially built by the army for soldiers

    e.g. wherever he went in the camp the men were grumbling

    Synonym: encampment cantonment bivouac

2. temporary lodgings in the country for travelers or vacationers

    e.g. level ground is best for parking and camp areas

3. camp的近义词

3. a penal institution (often for forced labor)

    e.g. China has many camps for political prisoners

4. a site where care and activities are provided for children during the summer months

    e.g. city kids get to see the country at a summer camp

    Synonym: summer camp

5. shelter for persons displaced by war or political oppression or for religious beliefs

    Synonym: refugee camp

6. something that is considered amusing not because of its originality but because of its unoriginality

    e.g. the living room was pure camp

7. an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose

    Synonym: clique coterie ingroup inner circle pack

8. a group of people living together in a camp

    e.g. the whole camp laughed at his mistake


1. give an artificially banal or sexual quality to

2. establish or set up a camp

    Synonym: camp down

3. live in or as if in a tent

    e.g. Can we go camping again this summer?
           The circus tented near the town
           The houseguests had to camp in the living room

    Synonym: encamp camp out bivouac tent


1. providing sophisticated amusement by virtue of having artificially (and vulgarly) mannered or banal or sentimental qualities

    e.g. they played up the silliness of their roles for camp effect
           campy Hollywood musicals of the 1940's

    Synonym: campy